Hello, i'm currently doing a Geography project on GM(genetically Modified) foods, Is GM food the solution to food shortage in the world? what are your views?
Basically, Genetically modified food are made from crops that have been given specific traits through genetic engineering.
Examples of genetically modified food, soybean resistant to herbicides by adding herbicide resistant genes found in bacteria.
Our aim is to collect YOUR views regarding this problem.
would you like your daily food to be like these
Even a single-lined view/comment would help. Thanks in advance for those who posted
oh, for people who wants to find out more about genetically modified food, you might want to view our blog at www.monster-food.blogspot.com. Feel free to post your comments there as well. Once again, thanks in advance to those who posted.
Theres already a topic on GM food so i don't think we need 2 topics discussing the same thing.
Sorry, we need the comments to show to our teachers. =X. Don't mind to comment again?
I wouldnt eat it o.o
GM food seems harmful..
i think i will consume gm food because some of us, have already eaten it in our daily life, then why not?
my view is that, whoever thinks that there is actually a solution to 'solving' the 'issue' of 'food shortage' needs to really look deeper into the problem and see if the 'root-causes' (hello colonization!) can be solved first. otherwise, no matter what you do, it won't work.
we think we should feed the GM crop to your teacher
Originally posted by enaimre:i think i will consume gm food because some of us, have already eaten it in our daily life, then why not?
yalor, i think the fast food we eating are GM food, where to get so much chicken and beef for your burger sia.
i agree the part of feeding the gm crop to your teacher! haha thats funny!
Actually the adults should be more concern abt this...
since most of the time,
the adults force their children to eat the food they dislike O: LOL
ok i will eat cos most of our food are already gentically modified such as soyabeans,corn,sugar cane...
i think GM food will take a longer time to process it however i guess the taste would be much much better than the orginal...
Originally posted by Bright O.N.E:ok i will eat cos most of our food are already gentically modified such as soyabeans,corn,sugar cane...
i think GM food will take a longer time to process it however i guess the taste would be much much better than the orginal...
Firstly, the majority of soybeans imported into Singapore are Non-GMO. Only a very small quantity of soybeans coming in are GMO
Secondly there is no difference in taste between a GMO & Non-GMO food unless the variety has been specially bred to taste better
Thirdly pls search for the other GM thread that was posted and read why GMO food is really not as good as they want you to think it is.
The unequal distribution of wealth and resources (including food) in the world needs to be sorted out first. There is currently enough to go around, but overnutrition is a common phenomenon in developed countries.
.......................................................................................................................................................... Originally posted by elindra: show ............................................................................................................................................................
yupps, i agreed with you, for more information regarding GM food, you might wanna visit www.monster-foods.blogspot.com. Thanks to those who debated/commented here.