Originally posted by DeadPoet:
True. To some extend it is easier for women to go ahead with the relationship, but really not that easy for the men, especially if he is the eldest or the only son.
Sometimes men have to make the painful decision of 'breaking off' with their parents in order to pursue their loves.

true, that it's easier for women. as for me, i could be very stubborn when it comes to my choice. no matter how bad my parents dun like him, if i still wannabe with him, my parents cannot do anything. bcos the more they say NO ! the further i'd go. and they know it well.
but once..my mum told me that she prayed to God that she wanted me to broke up with my bf...and not long after that..i broke up. and yes, my parents were rite. some of my exs (that they dun like) are exactly (even worse) as they predicted (not suitable for my daughter). and my parents..although they dun like him (hate him to the roots), they still dun show their feeling to him. i must thank my parents for that. for not making my exs felt terrible infront of them. and i must kicked my exs ass for acting terrible infront of them.
as for my bf..well..i told him if they dun like me, they must have good reason for that. and u better ask them what it is. bcos i never wanna break family ties. i'd rather walk away fm him, rather than he has to pick between his family or me

and as for parents... i know that they want the best for their children. and they are welcomed to give comments and suggestions. but i still dun understand why they still (sometimes) force us to follow their order. it's us the one who's in the r/s, not them. why do they have to make us suffer ???? WHY ?????? oh well..maybe we know one day when we become parents. i just hope that i can be as nice as my parents.