In the town of Hoerstel, Germany, a little piglet was found cold and helpless in a forest. Farm owner and property developer, Roland Adam decided to bring it home for fear that wild foxes might make it their next meal. Starved and shivering, the piglet, christened Paulinchen, was brought back to Roland’s farm.
Roland and his wife, Edit, keep a pair of Vietnamese pigs that had just given birth to a litter. The pigs are allowed to roam freely and Roland suspected that little Paulinchen was abandoned because she was the runt of the litter. Thankfully for Paulinchen, Roland had a brilliant idea.
“My Rhodesian Rigdeback, Katjinga, had just finished with a litter of her own, who are now 10 months, so I thought there was a chance she might take on the duties of looking after her. Katjinga is the best mother you can imagine. She immediately fell in love with the piggy. Straight away she started to clean it like it was one of her own puppies,” Roland enthused.
Paulinchen recovered quickly under Katjinga’s care, suckling her like she would her real mother. These pictures depict how easily Katjinga took to Paulinchen and treated her as one of her own.