pllleeeaasssssse help me bcoz i'm conducting a survey on fav bands in Singapore among different age groups.Is it Westlife, N'sync, A1,Sclub7,BSB or A*teens ??????
Hey man! They all suck big time. I don't even know why you even call any of them favourite bands and what's so nice about SClub 7, I feel that they are a bunch of idots singing really dumb songs. (Really) Hi5 is much nicer (My cousin thinks so!)
And who the hack are u fruitofthespirt!?
Hey idiot @driel, isn't it spell heck not hack? Anyway I still prefer nothing cuz all bands suck badly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You can't really compare cos I have three different catergoies for bands...Boyz..Galz and mixed.
Galz:Bardot(it's not in your options)
Mixed:S club 7
I like Elvis Presley
Samuel Cheam
Eek! You are old fashion Samuel! Fancy liking Elvis presley at this 21st century. Is he really that good?
Go ask your parents, they would have heard him sing.
Samuel Cheam
Yeah Yeah! My parents say they don't like him at all . And I think he suck big time !