Is the edu minister pressing Singaporeans too much?
Oviously he is.He just dosen't realise how stressed up we are
Maybe he has his reasons....(unlikely)
Samuel Cheam
I think I know his reasons as the only resource in S'pore is human resource therefore he has to educate the youths...but then again we're only KIDS!
Yep I do agree. But I think the problem is with the school!They're giving us too much work. Try doing some other school's exam , and u will find that its damm easy.
Since when did the principal's daughter use the word damn
[This message has been edited by darryleongwebmaster (edited 21 August 2001).]
Whats principak? And do you guys know what damn actually means?
Samuel Cheam
[This message has been edited by Sam VHP (edited 20 August 2001).]
Do you realise that your english is extremly lousy!!!!!!!!!!!
Well what principak's daughter r u talin bout?
Siao! Damm does'nt mean anything bad to me!!