Boys cry more now ...maybe they drink too much saltwater!
I don't think boy's cry more often .I think girls do!
Not for both of you to say!!Unless you've caught each other crying.
I sure have seen Darryl cry before and he has seen me too!
In case you didn't know Samuel...I have seen you cry before.........
Actually, to tell you the truth, saliva makes me you want to see me cry.......!!!!!
According to Sam records, I haven't cried since friday when Adriel spilled his water. I laughed till I cried. So would you pls tell me where you saw me cry and when and why?
Samuel Cheam
Because you're lying?
Samuel Cheam
Let me tell u a secret, Darryl is always being bullied by girls . Cuz he is short!!!!!!! Ha Ha!!
YUP!!!!!! And I have seen both Lois and Dasrryl cry before.