yes, we did start the channel after the game, although we are all guilty of not playing it as "often" as we used to..
anyway.. here are some helps..
although we don't play as often, we are pretty well-verse in the arts of playing god.
if you can't get the game working...
*chances are you are not holding an original copy of black&white, unlike what we have..
*black&white is a game that need good hardware.. your rag tagged pc is not up to it. (although i've heard of higher end pc can't get the game to run. :p) oh ya, reports thaat voodoo video cards cannot run the game properly. try installing latest drivers.. if they made any new ones. :p
if all else fails, not to fear.. you might not have the game patch yet goto
http://www.bwgame.comsign up, and download the patch that lionhead written and see if it helps. it cuts down on the number of bugs came shipping with the game.
hope you enjoy the game as much as i did.

p.s: take your time to explore and rule.. rushing makes the fun die faster. :p