Gimme ur list of top 10 guitarist and no jimi hendrix sh[/i]it... i think he sucks seriously..
state reasons too
Number 10 Kirk Hammet (Metallica)
( a better guitarist than hetfield and he is very influential to metal guitarists)
Number 9 Gary Moore (Thin Lizzy)
( dun listen much to his songs but nice stuff )
Number 8 Slash (Snakepit, ex GNR)
( one helluva guitarist.. like him a lot man.. revolutionised rock music)
Number 7 Eddie Van Halen ( Van Halen)
( this guy also best! he more known of his personality ah )
Number 6 Dave Mustaine (Megadeth)
(woohoo !!! Megadeth always remain as one of the best metal bands i ever known)
Number 5 Joe Perry (Aerosmith)
(great guy froma great band.. he and steve tyler really good combo)
Number 4 Yngwie Malmsteen (Rising Force)
( God of neo classical music!!! hail yngwie.. damn great licking! in guitar la..)
Number 3 Joe Satriani
(coming to singapore on Satch.... he one damn good guitarist)
Number 2 Steve Vai
(friend of satriani and a very good guitarist also)
and Number One~~~~!!!!~~~~~

Marty Friedman ( ex Megadeth and Cacophony with Jason Becker!) - Cacophony is one damn good band!!! go dl and listen
( Friedman is my choice of guitar god.. he is nice, and skilful!)

This list is done extensively by me and proved to be one of the best lists..