Originally posted by Devil1976:
One of the earliest and most ancient mode of existence which survived up to today.... Extinction has not seem like a possible thread for them in the near future to come...
Just what is the significance of their existence, and what kinda further impacts can they possibly bring humans in the future to come...?
Well, I suppose it is fair to say that biological viruses has managed to survived till so far.
However, to say that extinction is not a possible threat for them seemed to be over-rating them.
In a way, a parallel example would be something like the equating of mammals as a never-extincting specimen.
In specific, we could always have a scenario whereby in response to certain environmental shifts or changes, hundreds of existing similar viruses may have died, and leaving only one strain of virus from their common family to survive the ordeal.
This is a fact that we would probably get to determine in detail, but this is also a fact that we can never deny.
Given the simple and general knowledge available on viruses, it is common knowledge that unlike complex organisms which adapts to changes via evolution thru the behavioural aspect, viruses are relatively simple organic entites which rely primarily on genes mutations to survive environmental changes.
While the typical association by the normal layman with the term 'mutation' would often create the impression of a virus being stronger and tougher, this may not often be true.
In contrast, the mutation process would probably reseamble more to the occurence of cancer among humans.
Within the mass activity of mutation that goes on within a single viral strain, the ultimate form could have easily numbered thousands by the classification of new variants as they spring up in a horrifryingly fast and uncontrollable sequence.
Though uncontrollable, the process nevertheless does not neccessary mean that it would be uncontainable.
With respect to this property, a possible manipulation by Man on this organism may prehaps, be employed more within the zonal of biological research.
In particular, reseachers and scientists who specialize in genetic engineering would probably enjoy greater success as they use simple viruses as their core study to understand the complicating process of having multiple mutations occuring stimutaneously under a same set of environmental stress.
Malicious genes or other unstable elements of a stimulated virus could then be prehaps tagged, studied and preferably stabilized.
Upon attain the stabilation of easily mutable components in a virus' strain, the condition virus would thus reseamble a poisonous snake without its fangs.
One would be able to re-enginneer a 'stabilized' virus according to specifications (if technologically feasible) to achieve a reformed slave variant of an original renegade virus.
Dependent on the nature of re-enginneering, such new variants of slave viruses could be employed in vast and unimaginable ways.
One may employ them within the human body as an artificially layer of additional introduced immune system.
In industrial usage as catalysts for production purposes.
Or simply just for the simple reason of disarming them to prevent more harm to our species.
These are of course, only very limited and conventional possibilities.
In reality, a deeper understanding of the natural mutation cum evolution activities would possibly just hold the promise to discover and open up an entire new world and infinate possibilities for subsequent 'improvements' with lower rates of QC failure.
By then again of course, this picture potrays only the beautiful side of the story.
With the same knowledge and ambition of viral harvesting, one must also acknowledged that should a potentially harmless strain be enginneered by other renegade scientists for the wrong purpose, then mass hell will break loose.
Hence by the context of reality, there is no choice.
Since we have already discovered on the existence of such organisms, the quest to dominate and manipulate them can never end now.
It is, and will forever remain a vicious and bloody cycle.
Either we kill off their harm on us,
Or we let it kill us.