Hmm...... interesting music.....

Siglap South Community Centre Proudly Presents
Audio Image in Concert 2001
“A Millennium of Music”
Conducted by Adrian Tan
Experience the future. Explore the unknown.
Join us for the “Millennium”.
Also presenting Â…Â…Â…
Miss Saigon
Armenian Dances (I)
Musical Favourites from Andrew Lloyd Webber
and the world premier of
“Shanghainese Oldies”
by Singaporean Composer, Phoon Yew Tien.
1st September 2001, Saturday
Victoria Concert Hall
Tickets at $10.00 (free seating)
Available at Siglap South Community Centre
Tel: 4496951 & Fax: 4420927
Contact Tiffany (98774292) or Kelvin (93874479)
I aM WhO I aM,
ItS iMpOsSiBle To bE aNy MoRe Or LeSs......