Originally posted by Selena:
Not sure if anyone can answer me here, but here goes. Lets say that I'm doing an automated inventory system (think Amazon.com)
What are the simplest tools that I can use to achieve it? Do I *have* to install RmiJdbc driver even tho I'll be using only ASP? What else apart from PWS do I need? Currently the only program that I'm using right now is the trial 30 day ultradev, PWS and Ms Access.
Hmm .. Its a school project by the way, and I got to complete the thing by 1st August ... but typical of me as a procrastinator

ok, I hope this will help you.
Since you are using ASP for your server side scripting and Access for storing your database, you only need to install PWS if you are using Win98 or IIS if it's on Win NT.
You do not need to install rmijdbc at all unless you decide to replace ASP with servlets. What you need to have is to install the ODBC drivers for Access and link up with the Access database you created for your automated inventory system.
The simplest tool you can use is frontpage that came with Win 98. However, I recommend you to use Visual Inter Dev 6.0 for doing ASP programming as its interface is much more friendly and has more features. Visual Inter Dev comes with Visual Studio 6.0.
And of course, you must know SQL programming in order to manipulate the database.
Anyway, I guess you are simulating a two tier system so it should not be that difficult. Unless you decide to migrate your database to SQL server using MS TransactSQL
and that will be a three-tier system, which seperates the application logic from the database logic.
OK, hope this is useful to you. Good luck to your web client server programming in ASP!
[This message has been edited by Ande Tan (edited 20 July 2000).]