{ What's go on Lex? )

{ Lots of Qns to ask? )

{ Ok la here i go again... )

{ Ok... life is just like sitting on a boat... a very small boat... and on this boat there r lot of people inside, the one which can't hold on to the boat will just fell into the sea... if u can swim then u must swim ur way back to the boat... if u can't then the only thing u can do is shout for help... )

{ As for me, i dun ask for help from anyone save urself before u r drown )

{ Have i ever seen the 2 sides of a face? )

{ Yes, even u urself have two face...)

{ Which one am I afterin )

{ both, cos if u love someone u will try to known the both sides of him/her... )
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TO BRING YOUR TRUE LOVE TO YOU SPELLSoak one of your socks in rosewater. Allow it to dry, and then place it under your bed. Each night, send out the thought that you want your true love to come and see you. After a month has gone bye, burn a red candle at sunset, and think of the love you have to offer. Repeat this procedure for seven nights in a row. Soon, your love will come to you.