As i was about to take a sip of fresh yet vaguely bitter coffee,I heard a melodious and sweet voice float on the cool August breeze from behind me.Turning my head around casually so as not to evoke any response from my friends at my table.I saw her,sitting at a round table chatting with her group of friends.Although I could not make out what she was saying above the din in the canteen,but the sight of this angel on earth and the sound of her sweet voice suddenly made me realise that love at first sight does exist,even for a sceptic like moi,I almost made an involuntarily smile at her,but I was stopped short by a sudden warm yet pleasant feeling that was rising up to my face and culimating in my ears.Almost on cue,my friends noticed the sudden redness in my face and began to whisper among themeselves while i forgot my cup of coffee and my eyes focused on this angel on earth

If I knew it would be the last time that I'd see you on my plate,
I would eat you up and pray the Lord, i put on some weight
If I knew it would be the last time that I see you drop onto the floor,
I would call the waiter over and ask for 1 more.
If I knew it would be the last meal before i go to sleep,
I would sleep soundly knowing you are in my stomach deep.

Waiting for Diablo 2 Add-on

[This message has been edited by moose (edited 07 November 2000).]