It's been a terrible week. I found out on Monday in camp that the forum couldn't update itself. I was worried sick. I lost sleep. I ate less. I smoked more. etc etc.
Oh yeah, I missed getting gold for my IPPT... my 2.4km timing was 10:00.
Anyways... first thing I did when I came home was take off my boots. I then ate an apple. And set up the internet connection for my Dad's new computer.
Then I tried to get the damn website working again... And I did.

I just hope not too many people were affected by the breakdown of the forum. From my understanding only the 'Chit Chat' forum came down. Hopefully the fault didn't cause too much irritation to drive away users, and etc etc.
It's been a tiring day, I'm gonna go out n party tonight, and I gotto book in tomorrow. I'd be sleeping on the floor tomorrow night at Pasir Laba camp. That stinks.
On Monday, I will be doing Section live-firing at the camp (a team of 7 men firing live bullets, hopefully in the same direction and not at each other, while executing combat maneuvers like advancing and retrogating (retreating). Pray that I shoot no one and that no one shoots me.