Last minute substitution in last night's game vs X-treme Ace, with myself pulling out and replaced by Magey boy.
Sure looks like an inspired substitution, as we cheered (Jae, Michelle, Hanz and myself) the boys (Gayden, Joooooo and Magey) to a 14-6 victory! With our BeeeBoooBeeBooo tactics, who can stand against us?!?!?!?

Magey ooohs and aaaahs to 187.25 avg!
Jooooo steaaaaaaaaams to 175.75 avg!
Hayden beeboobeeboos to 181.75 avg!
As such, we open a 12.5 point gap from ourselves to 8th placed X-treme Ace. UNFORTUNATELY, Infinity gave Sixers a 16-4 shellacking, and in doing so now occupies 6th place on 261.5 pts. We now drop to 7th, just 0.5 pts behind on 261...... Sixers, our opponents for next week, now lie 20 points behind on 9th.
So if we lose 0-20 to them next week we'll be tied lor .....