UPdate! Wx should be back from Thailand today and lets see if he brought anything trophy home!

Next tuesday Team F.O.S will be facing X-Treme. Line up : Hayden, Jae and WX! Pls do come down and support if free!

Another thingy members! Will be going for a team T shirt by next week if possible! Colour will be white with dark blue collars. Will have names at left sleeve with team logo (yet to come up with one but soon) Need some opinions though...
1) Colour- White with dark blue collar
2) Names.....do you all want surname to be included? Left or right
3) Pricing- $20 per piece
4) Sizes will be allocated by me as i view the sizes available, is it
okie with you guys and gal?
5) Pls confirm with me or jae asap via Forum or hp! Thanks!

Hope Team F.O.S will have our Team Shirt in two weeks time!