Took me a while to figure out what in the world is a blankety blank.......

If i'm off by a long shot pls ignore me.... i'm an ignoramus

here goes...
I know what you mean tIred, it's nice when everyone says what they feel, and say it straight out. Sometimes I wish my frens would too. It's pretty stressful when you have to second guess how the person feels. sometimes i think I'M oversensitive, trying to read into the words that other people say, giving myself extra stress. heehee, bad habit. also i must say i'm guily of blankety blanks. sometimes i want so much for the other person to do something, yet, i'm too.... shy? proud? to ask that person to do it. sigh, sometimes i wish i was more outspoken, more frank with people. i guess ifeel insecure of saying what i want for i fear of ridicule, or people looking at me as if i'm too much or something. sigh.....

off point? sorry.....