Here's to Maya......

The rain hammers down on the window pane, each drop an icicle piercing to the depths of his soul. Lightning temporarily engulfs the room. On the bed, staring at the ceiling, muddled thoughts riles through his troubled mind.
It began so innocently. A slip on an icy patch, an automatic getsure to help her up. Thankful for the assitance, she gives him a breathtaking smile. Caught up in her smile, he stutters concern," Ar-r-r-e you ok-k-ay?" Amused at his self-consciousness, she cheekily replies," Of course! Without you, I'd be helpless as an overturned turtle!" A blush florished on his cheeks. From there, he got to know her name. Renae. Uniqueness on its own. He realised she was a model of beauty. Sparkling eyes accentuated her bright smile, with long flowing hair that fluttered in a breeze. An image of a goddess.
A year passed, a blink of an eye. Yet so many memories! Holding hands in the park just enjoying the scenery. Sitting together at the beach watching the sun go down; Renae getting her driving license, so happy! The gasp of surprise when she saw what he got her for her 21st birthday; a giant teddy bear wrapped in many elaborate ribbons and cotton wool. He cried as all these and so many more memories flow through him again and again. So happy yet now so painful.
Tears roll down his cheek and he grabs his pillow in a death grip as another bout of pain awashes him. Flashback to yesterday... ....
"Hello Renae? I'll be meeting you later, okay? Got some projects to finish up on.Say 7:30 p.m.?"
"Okay! I'll be at Mac's in Clementi waiting for you, darling!"
--7:00 p.m--
A heavy downpour greets him as he steps out of the library. "Damn! I can hardly see further than the bus stop from here!", he mutters. Bracing himself from the needle like water projectiles, he was just about to dash across the carpark to the busstop when he hears his name being called......
He looks up,
A wave from her.
She dashes across the road.
Umbrella turns inside out.
She looks up.
Lights illuminate her.
A frantic horn.
Eyes wide, she turns to the right.
She doesn't move as the car hits her directly. Flung like a rag doll to the side of the road, she lies still as the rain mercilessly beats down on her. He rushes to her side, throwing caution to the wind. Sobbing and moaning he cradles her on his lap. "Renae, oh God, Renae. Please, don't leave me. Please. I-I, please, oh God, oh God..."
Her eyes flutter open, tears drop down on his hand. "I am so... sorry, that's me.... so impulsive... you always said ..... I should... think.. before I act... I am so sorry... I love you, my one .... and only..........."
She grows limp in his arms. He lets out a guttral howl of agony. "NOOO!!!!! Renae! Don't leave me!!! I love you so much! Please...... please....." Crying.. tears, pain, agony, loss......
"Why? Why? Why not me........." He wimpers and sobs as he slips into yet another bout of troubled sleep.