Balcony - 阳�
Prerequisite - ��
6.8 on the Richter scale - 里� 6.8 级
See if you can recall what these common words mean:
æ— å�¯åŽšé�ž
How do we say the following:
To monitor
To formulate (a plan)
To give pressure - besides 给压力
To scoop (water, ice cream, soup etc)
Protective screen (like in the zoos and underwater world at sentosa)
With music to accompany (eg at a restaurant or pub)
(For something) to take effect
Erm... Mouse(Computer) = æ»‘é¼ and é¼ æ¨™ refers to the Mouse(pointer)... ORZ.
Originally posted by assilem08:Erm... Mouse(Computer) = æ»‘é¼ and é¼ æ¨™ refers to the Mouse(pointer)... ORZ.
Just googled the images of é¼ æ ‡ and got a lot of mouse pictures, not the mouse pointer.Most people use æ»‘é¼ ã€‚ It's a good point really, now I wonder what we call the arrow / pointer in mandarin. Anyway, brings to mind "click", which we say 点击。
See if you can recall what these common words mean:
�斤八两 - Not much difference between the two in terms of mediocrity
æ— å�¯åŽšé�ž - Can't be blamed
�毫 - a little bit. Eg: �毫都没改�
�何体统 - Ridiculous!
顺ç�†æˆ�ç« - Same as ç�†æ‰€å½“然
åš·åš· - ran1 rang Means to create a din
How do we say the following:
To monitor - 监控,监视
To formulate (a plan) - 制定
To give pressure - besides 给压力 施压
To scoop (water, ice cream, soup etc) - 舀 yao2
Protective screen (like in the zoos and underwater world at sentosa) - �障 ping2 zhang4
With music to accompany (eg at a restaurant or pub) - 伴� eg: ��音�的伴�
(For something) to take effect - �效
A random thought: instead of saying �需�, we can say 用��。
Originally posted by Rock^Star:Just googled the images of é¼ æ ‡ and got a lot of mouse pictures, not the mouse pointer.Most people use æ»‘é¼ ã€‚ It's a good point really, now I wonder what we call the arrow / pointer in mandarin. Anyway, brings to mind "click", which we say 点击。
Okay. My bad.
"å› å½¢ä¼¼è€�é¼ è€Œå¾—å��“é¼ æ ‡”(港å�°ä½œæ»‘é¼ ï¼‰ã€‚“é¼ æ ‡”çš„æ ‡å‡†ç§°å‘¼åº”è¯¥æ˜¯“é¼ æ ‡å™¨”。"
I am just too used to calling them æ»‘é¼ and that's the Hong Kong/Taiwan way of calling them.
The even correct way to call it is é¼ æ¨™å™¨ but é¼ æ¨™ is good enough for others to understand.
How about these football terms:
Corner kick
Free kick
Throw in
Originally posted by Rock^Star:How about these football terms:
Corner kick
Free kick
Throw in
Corner kick - 角�
Free kick - 自由�
Penalty - 罚�
Substitution - 替补
Throw in - 投�
Just watched CCTV4 news. These political analysts were just rattling off word after word, peppered with idioms here and there. Impressed. If local news had standard like this, we wouldn't be languishing in mediocre mandanrin. Some words:
è™šå¼ å£°åŠ¿
检阅 - inspection
åƒè¶Š - overstep intp (normally authority)
故障 - obstacles
用� - the intention
电波 - electromagnetic waves
声势 - the impressive aura
è™šå¼ å£°åŠ¿ - to creat false impressions; to mislead
较劲 - to challenge
链接 - website link
开采 - to extract (resources)
潜艇 - submarine
导弹 - missle
暗�美国的身影 - with America's shadow lurking behind
激化 - to stimulate something to happen
�花 = sparks
打擂� - a slang for challenging someone
�图 - blueprint
Don't give up Chinese language, says Lee Kuan Yew
By Hoe Yeen Nie | Posted: 07 October 2011 2239 hrs
![]() |
![]() Mr Lee Kuan Yew |
SINGAPORE: Former Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew said if young
Singaporeans give up the Chinese language, they will have lost something
He was speaking at a dialogue at the World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention on Friday evening.
Lee chose to speak in a mix of Chinese and English, a reflection of
Singapore's bilingual society, and responded to a wide range of
questions, including one on his decision to write a book about the
bilingual policy here.
Mr Lee has previously said implementing the policy was one of the hardest things he has had to do.
told his audience that his aim in writing the book is to have younger
Singaporeans understand how strongly the Chinese community felt about
the decision to make English the first language.
Mr Lee
reiterated his long-held belief that if Singapore had chosen Chinese as
its first language, the country would not be where it is today.
he also advised Chinese Singaporeans not to give up their mother
tongue, noting that he himself has spent his whole life trying to master
the language as he did not learn it when he was young.
It is not
just about the emotional and cultural connection, but a pragmatic
consideration too. With many Chinese seeking new opportunities in the
world, Mr Lee believes Singapore can play the role of pathfinder.
said he is also "worried" that more and more families in Singapore are
speaking English at home, adding that they should instead speak
"....English, you will learn it anyway. If I have a
choice, I will speak to my grandchildren in Chinese and leave English to
the schools," he said.
Mr Lee was also asked about the rise of China.
said while its economic dominance is perhaps inevitable, its military
dominance in Asia Pacific will be checked by the concerns of its East
Asian neighbours and the continued presence of the US.
Kind of ironical. The state of mediocre spoken Mandarin in Singapore can largely be attributed to this fella.
Some words from a documentary:
å¤æŠ˜ yao1 zhe2 - to be aborted prematurely (eg a plan). Same meaning as ç ´å±€ã€‚
血脉相连 - Same as 命è¿�交å�‰ã€‚Eg: æ–°åŠ å�¡å’Œé©¬æ�¥è¥¿äºšçš„ç»�济å�¯è¯´æ˜¯è¡€è„‰ç›¸è¿žã€‚
申� shen1 zou4 - To send in a petition
按照�路走 - To follow old ways
Javelin - æ ‡æžª
Discus - �饼
Long jump - 跳远
Sumo wrestling - 相扑
Strong grip - 牢牢的�力
Sorry for uttering rubbish.
æ— åŽ˜å¤´
交汇 - to inter-cross and mingle. Quite similar to 交�。
天外有天 - a slang to say that there's a bigger world out there; fascinating things that we couldn't have imagined.
框架 - framework (can refer to a plan)
谦让 - same as 礼让
打个比方 - another term for è¬å¦‚说。。。
和� - harmonious. Eg 和�的社会
略知一二 - to know very little about
�差 - discrepancy. Same as 差�
百æ¥ç©¿æ�¨ - to be very accurate in shooting
销声匿迹 - to disappear or lie low. Same as the slang 人间蒸�
消� - pessimistic. Same as 消沉
批�商 - wholesaler
频频 - repeatedly. Eg: 笑声频频
�济�� - the economy is recovering
�示 - An englightenment. Same as ��
腼腆 mian2 tian3 - shy. Same as 害羞
æ„Ÿæ…¨ - feeling of regret
文物 - cultural of historical relic
�义 - the meaning from within
�硕 - muscular
é�梧 - big and tall
ä¼ æ‰¿ - to pass down the generations
心性 - one's temperament
�巧 - very nimble (refers to the hands or legs)
How do we say:
I want to claim an expense for eg: purchase of an item.
Another slang which I have learned today:
åŸ¹å…»å† å†›çš„æ‘‡ç¯®ã€‚Which means the cradle where champions of the future are nurtured. Can refer to an academy or training ground.
枯燥 - Uninteresting
视频 - Video
概率 - Probability rate. A synonym would be 机率。
超支 - Overspend
预算 - Budget
æ‰“é€€å ‚é¼“ - To withdraw (from an action or plan)
触摸频 - touch screen
舒心 - comfortable
皇天�负有心人 - the heavens will not let the good people down
转化 - to change into
施展 - to display / exhibit
ä¼ æ’ - to spread
男女���清 - men and women are supposed to keep a distance
�能够。。。。。。,�。。。。。。。 - not only can....but also...
�能够。。。。。。,也。。。。。。。 - not only can...but also...
触� - to hit a reef (referring to the ship)
æ‡ˆæ€ - xie4 duo4 to slack
解冻 - to thaw (can refer to the solid ice or relationships)
磨难 - trials and difficulties
辛勤 - hardworking
法案 - a proposed law
冰山 - iceberg
缓和 - to warm up (relations)
�入 - to be integrated
远远低于_________ 的水平 - far lower than ...... 's (standard).
纯度 - the purity
�色�足 - not enough metal composition; normally refers to gold or diamonds
八�玲� - smooth and slick (in building relations)
�分 - the composition (of materials)
�如其分 - the amount is just right
�到好处 - the situation is just nice / right
�起眼 - not appealing to the eyes
果冻 - jelly
æ¬¢å£°ç¬‘è¯ - laughter and sounds of joy
ä¹�è¶£æ— ç©· - endless joy
谜团 - mystery
神秘莫测 - hard to fathom and guess
é£Žé›¨äº¤åŠ - heavy rain. Sometimes also mentioned as 雷电交åŠ
�个�时车程 - half an hour of journey by car
空旷 - very broad (place)
划分 - to create a seperation / border
Hi everyone, it's been some time. There were some problems with posting on this thread previously, It's been resolved now, I hope.
Some terms that I have recently come across:
一贯的作风 - the usual style (of a person)
惯例 - the usual practice
æ— é£Žä¸�作浪 - there are no waves without the wind; which means things must have happened for a reason
腼腆 - mian2 tian3 shy
呼å�«ä¸å¿ƒ - call centre
英姿飒爽 - ying1 zi1 sa4 shuang3 full of bravado and style
饥�择食 - beggars cannot be choosy