UNHEALTHY lifestyle habits amongst PAP leaders raise taxation rates for all.
Only PAP MPs/ MP candidates are bestowed by PA, elite gahmen titles and funds as "advisers to grassroots organisations" (in all INCLUDING opposition MP held constituencies), thus, it is by following the UNHEALTHY habits and lifestyles of their "advisers to grassroots organisations" that many Singaporeans suffer ill health and the attendant stratospherically high societal healthcare costs burden and the increased taxes to fund them.
"As of 2010, more than half of Singapore's adult population between 18 and 69 years old have high cholesterol, four in 10 are overweight or obese, a quarter have prediabetes or diabetes and about one in five has hypertension."
Prime minister Lee Hsien Loong (+ entourage) personally queuing up for his favourite (deep-oil) fried chicken wings:(alt pict view)
(alt img view)http://danielfooddiary.com/2014/06/14/yan/
KBW showing off his $8 urgent heart bypass to bypass life threatening levels of fat and cholesterol had been found built up over the years and blocking his heart arteries.https://www.facebook.com/notes/theonlinecitizen/khaw-boon-wan-pays-s8-for-bypass-surgery/446633433963
Finance minister Heng Swee Kiat boast sleeping 4hrs/night, which probably resulted in his near fatal stroke no less:
"Fellow Tampines MP Desmond Choo was also shocked at the news.
"We've never heard anything like this. To me, he's like Superman," said Mr Choo.
"The number of hours he works and the kind of attention span he has, it's amazing."
The 2012 Hougang by-election candidate recalled the days when he worked closely with Mr Heng, whom he sees as a fatherly figure and source of inspiration.
"During the by-election period, we would discuss issues until 2am and he would ask me to go home," said Mr Choo.
"'As a candidate, you need rest,' he would tell me while he continued working with activists. When I returned in the morning, at about 6.30am, he'd already be there."http://www.tnp.sg/news/singapore/shanmugam-heng-was-carrying-incredible-loadhttp://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/finance-minister-heng-swee-keat-feeling-great-apologises-for-not-being-able-to-attend-ndp
PM LHL, too much fried wings/chendol (fatty food) or skipped sleep before presenting NDR2016: a mild, recoverable stroke on stage unless u buy the official explanation of mere physical exhaustion? Is it easier being an Olympic athlete (paid $1m in SG for gold medal) or PM (paid $3m/p.a.): from this simple comparison, i submit that the PM definitely needs more exercise than the medical prescribed minimum of 150mins/week. J Schooling I believe exercises every day of the week. As for the rest of Singapore, diabetes rates (and their consequential medical costs) just keep going up.https://edmwimg.wordpress.com/tag/lee-hsien-loong/page/5/
Quote:1 in 10 stroke patients here aged under 50
PUBLISHED NOV 19, 2016, 5:00 AM SGT
Linette Lai
While older people are far more likely to suffer a stroke, one in 10 stroke patients in Singapore is under 50 years old.
Medical conditions such as high blood pressure or high cholesterol can make a person more likely to get a stroke, say doctors.
Smoking, too, puts you at risk.
Last Saturday, Singaporean businesswoman Linda Koh was found unconscious in her Hong Kong hotel room. The 36-year-old was rushed to hospital, where she died soon after.
Doctors subsequently found that she had suffered a stroke.
Her father, Mr Alan Koh, told Chinese newspaper Shin Min Daily News that his daughter had a history of high blood pressure and was taking medication for it.
Strokes occur when part of the blood supply to the brain is cut off.
The latest figures from the National Registry of Disease Office show that there were 6,943 cases of strokes in 2014, up from 6,642 the previous year.
They are the fourth most common cause of death in Singapore, and tend to occur among men.
The incidence rate for men aged between 35 and 44 who were admitted to public hospitals for stroke in 2014 was 58 per 100,000 people, compared with 24 per 100,000 for women in the same age group.
Doctors who spoke to The Straits Times said there are rarely any warning signs before a stroke happens.
"Some strokes may be preceded by severe headaches or neck pain," said Dr Carol Tham, a consultant from the National Neuroscience Institute's neurology department. "Unfortunately, most patients do not have any warning symptoms before the stroke occurs."
During a stroke, people often experience difficulty speaking and walking, weakness on one side of their bodies, and even temporary blindness.
Dr Ho King Hee, a neurologist at Gleneagles Hospital Singapore, said strokes that result in sudden death are likely to be due to bleeding in the brain from a ruptured blood vessel, rather than a blockage.
"If you are older, it means that there is more time for damage (to the blood vessels) to accumulate," he said. "But a stroke can happen at any age."
He advises people who have conditions such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes to keep them in check.
Dr Tham added that doctors may also prescribe blood-thinning medication for people whose blood tends to clot.
"If a person has any symptoms of stroke... he should seek treatment at the emergency department immediately as early treatment can help to reduce the disability caused by strokes," she said.
A version of this article appeared in the print edition of The Straits Times on November 19, 2016, with the headline '1 in 10 stroke patients here aged under 50'.
When choosing a plan, it’s a good idea to think about your total health care costs, not just the bill (the “premium”) you pay to your insurance company every month.
Other amounts, sometimes called “out-of-pocket” costs, have a big impact on your total spending on health care – sometimes more than the premium itself.
In order to pick a plan based on your total costs of care, you’ll need to estimate the medical services you’ll use for the year ahead. Of course it’s impossible to predict the exact amount. So think about how much care you usually use, or are likely to use.
When you compare plans in the Marketplace, the plans appear in 4 “metal” categories: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum. The categories are based on how you and the health plan share the total costs of your care.
Generally speaking, categories with higher premiums (Gold, Platinum) pay more of your total costs of health care. Categories with lower premiums (Bronze, Silver) pay less of your total costs. (But see the exception about Silver plans below.)
So how do you find a category that works for giorson parsey??