I was sentenced on the 2nd of January at about 10am. My verdict was a lenient one, a day in prison but was slapped with a hefty sum of a $2000 fine.
I turned back to bid M goodbye as soon as the policewoman escorted me into a room, exiting court 19.
Another girl, who is also convicted of theft, was also being charged with me. We were both led down(by an elevator) to the court's lock up area which is similar to an underground tunnel; only to be filled with bright lights and to the the distinctive noises of keys and chains. There were several police officers, both of the male and female genders. Some were grouped up either idling around or doing what they're supposed to do and several halt to check our faces out. The indian officer that escorted us hollered out "2 FEMALES FRESH" to another officer who opened up the gate for us to the female section's lock up area. The place is no doubt like a rat's maze.
You should not pay the fine,then can try Changi Women prison.