then kick fifi
Don't even need to get out of my living place, I can see more FTs than locals.
kick FTs.
After much kicking charlize is hiding. No charlize bolang char see lang.
Every where has foreigners in this sinkingpore. They are more than ever.
Some hdb blocks seems indian foreigners/indians more tgan chinese. I don't know why hdb allow owners to rent the house to many many foreigners.
so many foreigners taking over Sg.
game over.
Originally posted by Mr Milo:we can still jump
jump on fifi.
jump to jibby's land?
nom nom nom.
I was never gone.
Originally posted by charlize:I was never gone.
Of course u r never gone u r fifi's clone.
you are enjoying your sickening practice of deception of a clone master. Hahahaha. You picak lobang, wahahaha ...... booo boo boo boo booo
kick clone master fifi charlize.
Charlize fireice plus all their clones jiak pah bosai pang.
kick bad ass charlize
No wonder thread smelly char appears in nick.