I doubt he will move away from political arena.
Originally posted by SJS6638:I doubt he will move away from political arena.
Originally posted by zulkifli mahmood:
I'm not sure but he seems to be thinking about it..
this one can be tricky. remember he promised to bring down on foreigners during election campaign. after winning, he continue to bring in more and now worst we will have 6.9 million by 2030
forever practising double standard.
I predict the voting age in 2016 will be 18.
just in time for me to vote
unless 18 is no longer under the age range of minor, you will be allowed to vote.
Originally posted by SJS6638:this one can be tricky. remember he promised to bring down on foreigners during election campaign. after winning, he continue to bring in more and now worst we will have 6.9 million by 2030
forever practising double standard.
Originally posted by SJS6638:unless 18 is no longer under the age range of minor, you will be allowed to vote.
Singapore law defines a person below the age of 14 years as a 'child' and a person below the age of 16 years but over 14 years as a 'young person'. The Juvenile Courts usually assumes jurisdiction over such persons when they are prosecuted for crimes or are otherwise involved with the law. Ergo, one is considered to not be a minor once he/she turns 16 years old.
Originally posted by Summer hill:Singapore law defines a person below the age of 14 years as a 'child' and a person below the age of 16 years but over 14 years as a 'young person'. The Juvenile Courts usually assumes jurisdiction over such persons when they are prosecuted for crimes or are otherwise involved with the law. Ergo, one is considered to not be a minor once he/she turns 16 years old.
So to say the word should be eligible for voting. just like watching RA, you need to be of age 21 to watch.
Originally posted by SJS6638:unless 18 is no longer under the age range of minor, you will be allowed to vote.
Originally posted by zulkifli mahmood:
Its funny, NS guys age are as early as from 18 years onwards and we were trained to kill and yet NS men are not eligible for voting.
of course not. eligible age is 21 .
Originally posted by zulkifli mahmood:
Its funny, NS guys age are as early as from 18 years onwards and we were trained to kill and yet NS men are not eligible for voting.
Originally posted by Lazybumy:
One of the purpose of NS is to train Yes Man, so until they complete their training, it is very risky for them to vote in case a "freak election result" come out due to their voting. Now remind you guys again and say this after me. Yes Sir, Yes Encik.
Originally posted by zulkifli mahmood:
No Recruit, I'll charged you..
Originally posted by SJS6638:of course not. eligible age is 21 .
Originally posted by Lazybumy:
Sorry, I finish my NS and reservist already lar.
Originally posted by zulkifli mahmood:
Good. Soon you will think about whether to go into semi-retirement hehe.
Originally posted by Lazybumy:
Already plan to retire overseas already, much more easy for me as I am single.
Originally posted by zulkifli mahmood:
Well good for you and I agree with you. Being single you are free to go anywhere in the world. May I ask which country of yours going to be your retirement heaven?
take your time to choose.
Originally posted by zulkifli mahmood:Hello Clive. Yes..take your time to choose. Hey clive, probably you like to share with us about your retirement in the RETIREMENT topic within sg forum. It would be good for others to know about your retirement life.
not everyone will enjoy retirement early but as all financial planning is critical and even that fail at times.
Originally posted by Clivebenss:not everyone will enjoy retirement early but as all financial planning is critical and even that fail at times.