From what i see so far, not base on any religion view but from my own perspective, nowaday Young people are messing with fire. I see young people use the name Eg. Satan, Lucifer, Devil in vain. I ask most of them why do they use such name and most of them say one word :"Cool".
They are messing with fire but they do not know the dangerous of it. But we cant blame them too... Cause since 2 generation ago, Singapore Government have come down real hard on people, group or coven who practice ritual, blackmagic or are into occultic. People in the past few generation know what is Occult but now the youngster in our generation have no idea what is Occult. Dont believe try type "Occult Singapore", "Satanism Singapore" or "blackmagic Singapore". There are few link. Even if there is such post found in forum, it all date back to few years back before Government really crash in and wipe most of such occultic practices.
Nowadays, even if u ask people what is Wicca, Satanism. Most of the people dunno what is wicca and some people know what is Satanism only because they heard it somewhere and not because they understand what it mean.
Even when the movie 2012 come out, most people are ignorant and many panic and make a big hooha out of it claiming that "End of the World", or whatever crap.
Year 2012 is just a new Year for the Calendar of the Mayan into a whole new era. Just like when its year 1999, people say Year 2000 is the End of the World but is it true? No. It's just the millenium for the world into a whole new Millenium. Year 2012 is the new era for the Mayan but people misinterpret until it's the End of the World. But we cant blame them, cause Government have literally ban witchcraft, until a point that the people in our generation know nothing and they have no knowledge of what is all these.
Many Youngster find it cool to name themself after Demon name inside game or giving nickname to themself. They are playing with fire. Though they are wise in controlling Occult but not to a point that the young generation have no knowledge about them. Trust me, the problem in the society whom the Government are trying to control and manage are those who is Youth-At-Risk, but if one day, occult break into Singapore, trust me, the whole country will be in Chaos.
Though Government have already ban Occult, but it doesnt mean that Singapore have no Satanist, Wiccan, or people who practice blackmagic. It's just all underground.
And if this occultic break into Singapore, don't you think people who have no knowledge about such religion will be excited and enthu into exploring such religion and the wose part is if they found the Power they need, or the blackmetal song that can satisfy their void, dont u think they will come back for more??
And people who are outcast or get rejected by society or those who hate society because of what the society or people had done to them. Dont you think they will come and seek power?? Occultic though now is ban, whether is it Coven, ritual, mass or what. But dont u think if one day it outbreak or revive, dont u think the whole Country will be in Chaos??
Young people have already started to use the name of Devil, Demon. What if one day such religion surface in Singapore?? Dont u think it's too dangerous??
Originally posted by LauHuaXiang:
Just like when its year 1999, people say Year 2000 is the End of the World but is it true? No. It's just the millenium for the world into a whole new Millenium.
Previous gen.....
All generations have their own kind of bullshit lah
my nickname is angel. does that make me any better morally, pyschicaly, mentally?
I find star wars more cool. Oh, I am not young anymore.
That's still okay...
This is worse... <-- enter at your own risk
when in doubt, ask God----->
Originally posted by ^Acid^ aka s|aO^eH~:That's still okay...
This is worse...
We are fast becoming like American youngsters.
wasn't there satanic death metal shits in previous generations too?
Know is good enough; dun get seriously involved....
Originally posted by FireIce: <-- enter at your own risk
A post in 1997...
How many of them are in heaven now? (I'm not trying to be rude)
I'm in no way associated or affliated with this site.
Enlighten me what is occult, wicca and satanism really is
i rather u cast spells to increase crop yields by a 100 fold
can you control ppl mind?
All this is following your feelings.
You feel, and then you act.
Whether it is politics, religion, or other callings.
Its the feeling in you. But when you explain to others, you say you believe.
me only trying to esp.
like astral, lucid(mastered), telepathy , clairvoiryant (master a bit, only got predict hurricane correctly, well, almost)
Originally posted by ^Acid^ aka s|aO^eH~:That's still okay...
This is worse...
is that the ki chiu minister?
so many funny videos