i feel so busy i cannot feel or hear myself think
funny comment!
Originally posted by Clivebenss:Gd morning Bang
Gantung is suspend in Malay; Kan Tong in Hokkien refer to the car suspension.
Many local fruits are translate from Malay original eg durian, nangka, jambu, buah dongdong, duku etc.
Selamat Malam kepada Penghulu pulak
Thanks for the explanation and enlightenment. I have been wondering for a long long time and now I checked gantung, it gave me the answer. It is like lost in the misty forest and someone came to shine the torch and brought me out.
And furthermore, thanks for enlightening me on "Buah Dongdong", if not, I will not know that is the original spelling as I only know "Buah Longlong" until this day
Originally posted by cassie:miss cempedak! i like the fried ones you get at the afternoon stalls
Selamant Malam kepada Putri pulak
Ya gua sukak tu chimpedak jugak pasair tubarang kasi satu bau manis bila kena goreng. Tapi gua sua lama tak makan tubarang pasair gua bukan orang yang manyak asek makanan main2.
Originally posted by Clivebenss:Gd afternoon.
For a moment, I thought cassie is miss cempedak.
Lu boleh kasi dia satu julukan " Putri Cempedak " lagik jikalu lu nakair-nakair
Originally posted by winsomeea:She is married. Husband was unfaithful. She is taken.
See below is �周慧�, a taiwan mei mei. Pretty. She looks like 周慧� but can't tell which part of her looks like.
陳�霖 good looker
Selamat Malam kepada Pengawal pulak.
She look a bit like. The Ni husband was unfaithful and went out with who and did they divorce?
Originally posted by BanguIzai:Selamat Malam kepada Pengawal pulak.
She look a bit like. The Ni husband was unfaithful and went out with who and did they divorce?
No. They are better now. The man is really .......... Now she is out in entertainment only for charity work.
Originally posted by Mr Milo:
i feel so busy i cannot feel or hear myself think
Selamat Malam kepada Pendekar pulak
Kalu lu gitu manyak sebok sampéh lu tak rasa kah dingair seniri pikirkan lu boleh pi pakéh milo siram lu diri satu kali sampéh lu mia otak jadi terang pulak
Originally posted by BanguIzai:Selamat Malam kepada Pendekar pulak
Kalu lu gitu manyak sebok sampéh lu tak rasa kah dingair seniri pikirkan lu boleh pi pakéh milo siram lu diri satu kali sampéh lu mia otak jadi terang pulak
Jay Chou new song:
Originally posted by Mr Milo:
Princess's Illness !!
It is sama " Putri Cassi mia Panyaket " la
Originally posted by winsomeea:No. They are better now. The man is really .......... Now she is out in entertainment only for charity work.
Orh. Vivian is forgiving woman leh. Perempuan hati lembut.
Originally posted by Mr Milo:har?????????????????????????????
Jay Chou new song:
Kalu lu gitu manyak sebok sampéh lu tak rasa kah dingair seniri pikirkan lu boleh pi pakéh milo siram lu diri satu kali sampéh lu mia otak jadi terang pulak
If you so busy until you cannot feel or hear yourself think you can go use some milo to pour onto yourself once until your brain becomes clear again
Originally posted by Mr Milo:
All Jay Chou song. Chòu chòu, chòu chòu
Originally posted by Mr Milo:
Chòu chòu, chòu chòu
Originally posted by Mr Milo:
Chòu chòu, chòu chòu
gd evening.
So many chou...
No porridge tomorrow.
gd morning.
morning clive
gt jay chou Mine mine?
gd afternoon.
no Jay chou but bay chou for lunch.