gd evening.
Selamat Tengamalam kepada Penghulu sama lain
Just now I was at gathering.
The friend's friend (Malay) got one son (abt 9yrs old) and standing near. That kid happened to hear me speak Malay and was surprised so stood there asked me (Bgz):
Kid : You also can speak Malay?
Bgz : Yes, like you.
Kid : So you know how to say "Lice" in Malay?
Bgz : "Lice"? "Kutu"?
Kid : (He really did a dramatic facepalm action at me) Aiyo, "Lice" is "Nasi" lah !!
Bgz : "-_- (my turn to do the facepalm action & looked at my friend who was laughing)
gd morning.
Kid : You also can speak Malay?
Bgz : Yes, like you.
Kid : So you know how to say "Lice" in Malay?
Bgz : "Lice"? "Kutu"?
Kid : (He really did a dramatic facepalm action at me) Aiyo, "Lice" is "Nasi" lah !!
Bgz : "-_- (my turn to do the facepalm action & looked at my friend who was laughing)
That kid has a short tongue.
Selamat Petang kepada Penghulu pulak.
I should think this kid has been influenced too much by Chinese speakers who cannot pronounce "R" properly and change into "L".
I found this thread where a Chinese try to change several Malay "R"s into "L"s idiotically:
Sempene Hali Medeka, gua mau kasi tau pasal apa gua suka sangat tinggal dekat ini negala:
SATU: Makan-makan
Gua manyak suka sini punya makan-makan. Mana lagi tempat lu boleh cali itu Char Koay Teow, sama itu Nasi Kandar, Cendol, Tuak, Samsu, Nasi Ayam Hainan, sumua kita ada! Negala lain tak boleh lawan. Lagi, itu Singapore punya sumua tiru kita punya!!!
DUA: Cakap-Cakap
Kita punya lakyat ada manyak bahasa boleh cakap-cakap. Kita sumua boleh cakap itu Bahasa Malaysia. Ada jugak yang boleh cakap itu Cina, sama itu England, sama itu Tamil. Macam-macam kita boleh cakap. Tapi boleh jugak paham sama olang lain.
TIGA: Siti Nurhaliza
Fooyoh. Itu Siti memang manyak lawa lar, gua bagi tau lu. Gua manyak suka masa dia pakai itu Baju Kebaya. Manyak seksi! Kalau ada Siti pakai bikini punya gambar lagi best! Tapi dia manyak baik punya pelempuan. Tak pakai seksi seksi punya. Tapi hor, dia tak pakai seksi pun manyak cun. Gua manyak suka!
AMPAT: Trefik Jem
Gua tipu lu lar. gua tak suka sama itu Trefik Jem. Tapi gua suka masa takde trafik jem. Itu masa manyak best. Boleh lumba-lumba pakai gua punya sudah modifait punya Plotong Wila.
LIMA: Durian
Gua manyak suka itu Durian. Sama Lambutan. Sama Manggis. Sama Pisang, Ciku, Langsat, Nanas, sama lain-lain. Manyak sedap wooo! Negala lain takde buah macam itu punya. Itu Elopah ada epal sama oren saja. Tak best. Kita punya Dulian lagi power! Ada KICK! Itu olang Elopah hidu dia pun sudah pengsan! Mana ada epal boleh hidu sampai pengsan punya?
ENAM: Plotong sama Peludua
Wahlau. Itu keleta Plotong manyak power wooo. Mana lagi negala ada kereta pakai tin-Milo buat punya? Lepas tu, itu Kancil punya manyak power. Parking pun senang. Tapi kalau aksiden habis lar.
Kita punya negala ada manyak itu DVD mulah mulah punya. Mana mana pun boleh beli. Apa-apa pun ada. Tembak-tembak punya, sayang-sayang punya, ketawa-ketawa punya, apa pun ada. Paling best ialah itu bogel-bogel punya. Itu filem manyak stim woooo!
Originally posted by Mr Milo:
Originally posted by Mr Milo:
gd evening.
Originally posted by Clivebenss:gd evening.
潑水 = splash.
Moments after I posted the post, rain came splashing down.
well the splashing has stopped
Originally posted by BanguIzai:è€�æŒé‡‘曲。周慧æ•�似乎ä¸�見掉了。她å«�去哪è£�了啦。
She is in HK Entertainment News. Married the author's son. Ni ........
Is she from the 80s or 90s?
waiting for liverpool/chelsea match
gd morning.
Originally posted by cassie:well the splashing has stopped
Selamat Pagi Pagi kepada Putri.
Ytd was good splashing. I like rain oni when at home.
Originally posted by winsomeea:She is in HK Entertainment News. Married the author's son. Ni ........
Is she from the 80s or 90s?
Selamat Pagi Pagi kepada Pengawal.
Oh ya she married Ni Kuang son ah izzit? I remember oni until u gave hints. I cannot remember son name.
She from 90s.
Originally posted by Bus&Soccer l0v3r (VO3x 1):waiting for liverpool/chelsea match
Selamat Pagi Pagi kepada Panglima.
I waiting for Liversea/Chelpool match.
Originally posted by Clivebenss:gd morning.
Selamat Pagi Pagi kepada Penghulu.
I remembered 4 more assimilated common Hokkien words of Malay lineage which I missed out on my previous list:
Jaga â–º Lia Ga = Take Care
Layang â–º La Yang = Kite
Chempedak â–º Tsiam Pit Lat = Jackfruit
Jambu â–º Liam Bu = Jambu
There is the part of the car underneath called "Kan Tong" in Hokkien. But I cannot relate it with either the "Kantung", "Gantung", or "Gandung" meaning of Malay at this point of time.
Originally posted by BanguIzai:Selamat Pagi Pagi kepada Penghulu.
I remembered 4 more assimilated common Hokkien words of Malay lineage which I missed out on my previous list:
Jaga â–º Lia Ga = Take Care
Layang â–º La Yang = Kite
Chempedak â–º Tsiam Pit Lat = Jackfruit
Jambu â–º Liam Bu = JambuThere is the part of the car underneath called "Kan Tong" in Hokkien. But I cannot relate it with either the "Kantung", "Gantung", or "Gandung" meaning of Malay at this point of time.
Gd morning Bang
Gantung is suspend in Malay; Kan Tong in Hokkien refer to the car suspension.
Many local fruits are translate from Malay original eg durian, nangka, jambu, buah dongdong, duku etc.
Originally posted by BanguIzai:Selamat Pagi Pagi kepada Panglima.
I waiting for Liversea/Chelpool match.
Originally posted by BanguIzai:Selamat Pagi Pagi kepada Penghulu.
I remembered 4 more assimilated common Hokkien words of Malay lineage which I missed out on my previous list:
Jaga â–º Lia Ga = Take Care
Layang â–º La Yang = Kite
Chempedak â–º Tsiam Pit Lat = Jackfruit
Jambu â–º Liam Bu = JambuThere is the part of the car underneath called "Kan Tong" in Hokkien. But I cannot relate it with either the "Kantung", "Gantung", or "Gandung" meaning of Malay at this point of time.
miss cempedak! i like the fried ones you get at the afternoon stalls
Gd afternoon.
For a moment, I thought cassie is miss cempedak.
oopppss sorry it should have been "i miss having cempedak". sorry la...half my mind was on work, the other half was...i also dunno where
Originally posted by BanguIzai:è€�æŒé‡‘曲。周慧æ•�似乎ä¸�見掉了。她å«�去哪è£�了啦。
She is married. Husband was unfaithful. She is taken.
See below is �周慧�, a taiwan mei mei. Pretty. She looks like 周慧� but can't tell which part of her looks like.
er i'm a bit lost...what's this all about?
Originally posted by cassie:er i'm a bit lost...what's this all about?
HK actress cum singer who is now not active. Married.