Originally posted by Almond Cookies:Thank you my grandma who teaches me cantonese. See hong kong drama can understand what they r saying.
yr grandma got good taste.
My younger cousins can't speak Hokkien, our family's dialect. I'm quite fortunate to have been able to learn Hokkien by living with my grandma and I speak it quite often with her. It's a way of bonding with the older generation that the younger will lack :(
Originally posted by Clivebenss:since we are on the topic sian...
can you think of any other word to go with it..
sian tu tu
sian tau tau
sian teh
sian nua
sian sian ai koon...
sian tuh tuh - �厾厾
sian hor hor - �戽戽
sian lau lau - ���
sian soh soh - �索索
sian kah beh si - åƒ�甲慾æ»
sian kah pik pok kio - �甲�爆�
Originally posted by BanguIzai:sian tuh tuh - �厾厾
sian hor hor - �戽戽
sian lau lau - ���
sian soh soh - �索索
sian kah beh si - åƒ�甲慾æ»
sian kah pik pok kio - �甲�爆�
buay sian...
sian kah ai pang sai - �甲愛放屎
Originally posted by BanguIzai:sian kah ai pang sai - �甲愛放屎
more like bo sia che sia pang - 沒屎找屎放.
heard this phrase chui yim kah bak 水淹脚目?
no leh, literally it means water flood until thigh or knee?
Originally posted by BanguIzai:no leh, literally it means water flood until thigh or knee?
è„šç›® is not knee or thigh, do you understand the anatomy of the leg in Hokkien?
Originally posted by Clivebenss:è„šç›® is not knee or thigh, do you understand the anatomy of the leg in Hokkien?
its heels, cos i checked it with my dict. my dat part, i call "kh'a tsang tĩ" or "kh'a tĩ", indeed never used kh'a bak. why har?
Originally posted by BanguIzai:its heels, cos i checked it with my dict. my dat part, i call "kh'a tsang tĩ" or "kh'a tĩ", indeed never used kh'a bak. why har?
it's the ankle not heel.
that's bad. i had been speaking of heels and ankles as though they are the same thing. i think only today i knew the difference.
I think you can re-explore and try to name part of the leg starting from sole to thigh.
sole = kha chio
toe = kha chng tow / kha chyai
first toe = kha bu chyai
2nd toe to 4th toe = goes by numbers
last toe = kha beh chyai
arch = kha kiau
instep = kha phuay
heel = kha ow tee
ankle = kha bak
shin = kha phee liam
calf = kha twee
knee = kha tow wu
thigh = kha tor
and finally buttock = you know liao.
Originally posted by Clivebenss:I think you can re-explore and try to name part of the leg starting from sole to thigh.
sole = kha chio
toe = kha chng tow / kha chyai
first toe = kha bu chyai
2nd toe to 4th toe = goes by numbers
last toe = kha beh chyai
arch = kha kiau
instep = kha phuay
heel = kha ow tee
ankle = kha bak
shin = kha phee liam
calf = kha twee
knee = kha tow wu
thigh = kha tor
and finally buttock = you know liao.
that's good. please do educate people like me with less than perfect vocab.
I shall learn from this list, as well to let you know my points of difference in usage due to my brought-up or lack of knowledge:
look like we have to understand ourselves first before other things, I mean in Hokkien.
Reply the above post later.
lunch ready.
Originally posted by Clivebenss:look like we have to understand ourselves first before other things, I mean in Hokkien.
Reply the above post later.
lunch ready.
ya. If possible, type out all the anatomy for hand too
Originally posted by BanguIzai:
that's good. please do educate people like me with less than perfect vocab.
I shall learn from this list, as well to let you know my points of difference in usage due to my brought-up or lack of knowledge:
在閩å�—,泉州/廈門/å�Œå®‰/å�°ç�£ï¼Œæ‰€èªªçš„“kha-chhng”(國際音標:kÊ°a tsʰŋ。其本義是普通話的「肛門ã€�,但在閩å�—有時也用來泛指「å±�è‚¡ã€�),這在漳州讀為kha-chhuiâ�¿ï¼ˆåœ‹éš›éŸ³æ¨™ï¼škÊ°a tsÊ°Å©i)。而這個閩å�—詞,論其本å—,如上é�¢huangvudik兄所言,有å¸è€…很多都考釋為「尻å·�ã€�。其ä¸ï¼Œã€Œå°»ã€�應該是無å�¯é�žç¾©çš„,å•�é¡Œå�ªå‡ºåœ¨ã€Œå·�ã€�å—。一般地,我們考釋閩å�—語(或其它漢系語言),最基本的,首先會å°�應到「ä¸å�¤éŸ³ã€�(所謂ä¸å�¤ï¼Œå�³å”�代左å�³å�§ï¼Œå†�往上應算為上å�¤ï¼‰ã€‚所以,我們去查ä¸å�¤éŸ³ï¼Œç™¼ç�¾ã€Œå·�ã€�是屬於:「昌æ¯�仙韻ã€�ã€�å±±æ”�å�ˆå�£ä¸‰ç‰å—ã€�å��切為「昌ç¸�切ã€�。這是什麽æ„�æ€�呢?就是說,「å·�ã€�çš„è�²æ¯�是"昌"(tsʰ),韻æ¯�是"ä»™"(uan),所以把è�²ã€�韻æ¯�組å�ˆèµ·ä¾†ï¼Œåœ¨é–©å�—語文讀音ä¸å°±è¡¨é�”為就是"tsÊ°uan",當然在普通話ä¸æ˜¯è¡¨é�”為"chuan"ï¼ˆé€™æ˜¯æ¼¢èªžæ‹¼éŸ³ï¼‰ã€‚æŽ¥è‘—å¾€ä¸‹èªªï¼ˆç•¶ç„¶ï¼Œå¦‚æžœä½ ä¸�看,我就白說了,XD~~)——
- sole = i only say kh'a tue 骹底, wat is kh'a chio ? --joking: sounds like 骹癢'leg itchy' (in Teochew or Chiangchiu, with nasalized vowel "> tsÄ©õ <" ) to me it looks
- toe = although i understand both your 骹指é (kh'a tsng th'au) and 骹指 (kh'a tsãÄ©) and I have often hear people use it, although I only use the latter 骹指 (kh'a tsãÄ©) ( - as a parallel to the form 手指 tsh'iu tsãÄ© , I don't use 手指é tsh'iu tsng th'au as well)
- first toe = i understand your 骹拇指 kh'a bu tsãÄ© , I say 骹兮大指 kh'a e tua tsãÄ© usually (interestingly, for thumb of hand, i use 大部拇 tua por bu)
- 2nd to 4th toe = i go by 骹兮第二隻指 kh'a e tue li tsiaÊ” tsãÄ© and so on
- last toe = i understand your 骹尾指 kh'a be tsãÄ© , I say 骹兮è�½å°¾èœ€éš»æŒ‡ kh'a e loÊ” be tsit tsiaÊ” tsãÄ©
- arch = i understand your 骹翹 kh'a kh'iau , this is the first time in my life hearing this as I have never needed to use this term before
- instep = i don't even understand what it means by "instep", so forget about its position on my leg as I don't even have this part of the anatomy in my brain. So may I ask what is "instep" as well as the corresponding kh'a phuay (骹 - what) ?
- heel = i understand your 骹後蹬 kh'a au tĩ and I have often hear people use it, I had been using a 骹�蹬 kh'a tsang tĩ form which I don't know where it came from, do you happen to hear this form before?
- ankle = i understand your 骹目 kh'a bak, but I have never used this form as I had been calling the whole part from the half-lower part of my sole all the way up to bend before the small thigh as 骹�蹬 kh'a tsang tĩ , this is a good clarification for me
- shin = i cannot understand kha phee liam (骹 - 邊?- what's 'liam' ) at all
- calf = i understand your 骹腿 kh'a th'ui and I have often hear people use it, I normally use only one word, è…¿ th'ui , (e.g. 我兮腿干焦屎眞疼。wa e th'ui kan-na-sai tsin th'Ä©ã. )
- knee = i have never refer to my knee in Hokkien before, similarly strangely I have also never refer to my elbow in Hokkien before, may I know what's kh'a tow wu (骹 - é ?兜? - what's 'wu' ) ?
- thigh = i understand your 骹肚 kh'a tor and I have often hear people use it, I normally use 大腿 tua th'ui , so do you think this is not acceptable?
- buttock = I know it because it is commonly referred to in all dialects and also I have read a very good explanation why we should write 尻� as the recommended characters from a point of view from history and sounds, which I would like to share with all here:
é–©å�—語語音有分「文讀音ã€�和「白話音ã€�(有的人說“白讀音”)。這個嘛,我們拿廈門/泉州話來打個比方,「两ã€�這個å—,文讀音是"lióng",而白話音有二個,一是「两个三个ã€�的「两ã€�,讀為"nnÌ„g"(國際音標:lÅ‹ );二是「斤兩ã€�的「兩ã€�,讀為"niú"(國際音標: niu ï¼‰ã€‚ä½ å¦‚æžœç›´åˆ°ç�¾åœ¨é‚„在看帖å�ï¼Œé‚£éº½ç›¸ä¿¡ä½ ç�¾åœ¨æ‡‰è©²æ˜Žç™½æ€Žéº½å›žäº‹äº†å�§ã€‚好,如果還有興趣,我就接著說——
å†�回到主題那邊å�§ã€‚「倉ã€�å—,閩å�—語文讀音,讀為"chhong"(國際音標:tsʰɔŋ),這個文讀音和普通話「葱ã€�的發音幾乎是一模一樣。「倉ã€�的白話音,無論漳泉,都是"chhng"(國際音標:tsʰŋ)。剛æ‰�說了,普通話的「肛門ã€�,在泉州/廈門/å�Œå®‰/å�°ç�£ï¼Œæ˜¯èªª“kha-chhng”,所以,從泉州/廈門/å�°ç�£/å�Œå®‰çš„角度來看,「倉ã€�在語音上是符å�ˆçš„。ä¸�é�Žï¼Œå°�於漳州話來說,便ä¸�符å�ˆäº†ï¼Œå› 為漳州是說"kha-chhuiâ�¿",而「倉ã€�也讀為"chhng"(漳ã€�泉一致),所以ä¸�符å�ˆã€‚
å��而,「å·�ã€�å—,無論å°�於漳州還是泉州,都是符å�ˆçš„。為什麽呢?å†�來看ä¸å�¤éŸ³ã€‚剛æ‰�æ��到了,在ä¸å�¤éŸ³è£�,「å·�ã€�å—屬於「昌æ¯�仙韻ã€�ã€�å±±æ”�å�ˆå�£ä¸‰ç‰å—ã€�å��切為「昌ç¸�切ã€�,這è£�é æ��供給我們一個很é‡�è¦�çš„ä¿¡æ�¯ï¼Œé‚£å°±æ˜¯ã€Œå·�ã€�是屬於「仙韻ã€�當ä¸çš„「å�ˆå�£ã€�å—,而ä¸�是「開å�£ã€�的。所謂å�ˆå�£ï¼Œåœ¨é€™è£�(仙韻),就文讀音而言,是指有帶"u"çš„"uan",而ä¸�是å�¦ä¸€å€‹ä¸�帶"u"çš„"ian"。而「仙韻å�ˆå�£ã€�å—,其白話音,在泉州/廈/å�°ä¸€å¸¶ï¼ŒéŸ»æ¯�是å�¯ä»¥è®€ç‚º"-ng"(國際音標:ŋ);在漳州則讀為"-uiâ�¿"(國際音標:ũi)。打個比方,「全ã€�ã€�「å·�ã€�這兩å—都屬於這個情æ³�。我們來è‰æ˜Žä¸€ä¸‹ï¼Œä½ 比如說,æ£å®—çš„é–©å�—本地詞彙「å��å…¨ã€�(“完滿”之æ„�),在泉州/廈/å�°è®€ç‚º “chaÌ�p-chnÌ‚g”(國際音標:tsap tsÅ‹ );而在漳州則讀為"chaÌ�p-chûiâ�¿"(國際音標:tsap tsÅ©i)。å�ˆæ¯”如,泉州話è£�é 有一個表示「棺æ��ã€�的「全æˆ�æ�¿ã€�,讀音是"chnÌ‚g-siââ�¿-pán"(國際音標:tsÅ‹ siã pan)。所以,事實è‰æ˜Žï¼Œã€Œå·�ã€�å—,它的閩å�—語白話音完全å�¯ä»¥è®€ç‚º: (1)泉州/廈/å�°ï¼š"chhng"(國際音標:tsʰŋ) (2)漳州:" chhuiâ�¿ "(國際音標:tsÊ°Å©i ),所以,「å·�ã€�å—,從語音上來說,完全符å�ˆé–©å�—語ä¸é‚£å€‹è¡¨ç¤ºã€Œè‚›é–€ã€�çš„" kha - chhng / chhuiâ�¿ "。
ä¸�é�Žï¼Œè«‹æ³¨æ„�,如果「å·�ã€�å—çš„å—義解釋,無法考釋或è�¯æƒ³å‡ºã€Œè‚›é–€ã€�之æ„�,則立刻å�¯ä»¥æ–·å®šã€Œå·�ã€�也ä¸�是kha-chhng / kha-chhuiâ�¿ 的本å—,充其é‡�å�ªæ˜¯å±¬æ–¼ã€ŒéŸ³å�ˆè€Œç¾©ä¸�å�ˆã€�。
å�¦å¤–,我們也以æ�›ä¸€å€‹å…¨æ–°çš„角度來看這個å•�題。比如說,如果僅僅從閩å�—語本身比較通俗ã€�比較淺顯的角度出發,而撇棄「尻å·�ã€�這種純粹「力求å�¤é›…ã€�çš„æ€�ç¶æ¨¡å¼�,那麽,我們發ç�¾ã€Œéª¹ç©¿ã€�也完全符å�ˆï¼Œè€Œä¸”音義皆å�ˆï¼Œå�³æ¼³ã€�泉都通得é�Žã€‚「骹穿ã€�(骹,å�³æ™®é€šè©±çš„「腳ã€�),å�¯ä»¥ç�†è§£ç‚ºã€Œè…³éƒ¨æŸ�處的一个穿å”ã€�,這樣ç�†è§£å®Œå…¨ç¬¦å�ˆé–©å�—語å�£èªžè£�é 那種常見的「淺白ã€�ã€�「通俗ã€�,讓人一è�½å°±æ‡‚,ä¸�用太深奧的é�“ç�†æˆ–高深的文å—。
sole = 骹尺 also 骹尺底; 骹底 is mandarinised Hokkien.
toe = 骹指é and 骹指 you understand
big/first toe = usage commonly 骹拇指 in the past; 骹大指 more common nowadays
2nd toe = 骹二指; 3rd toe = 骹三指; 4th 骹四指
last toe = 骹尾指; 骹兮�尾蜀隻指 is ok.
arch = 骹翹
instep = 骹背 the part opposite of the sole where the strap of the slipper or the shoe vamp rest on. Lower instep is called 骹盘 covering the connecting toe 五掌ç‹.
heel = 骹後蹬 is well understand; 骹�蹬 I never heard of this term.
ankle = 骹目
shin = 骹鼻� the part bony part that join the ankle and the knee; always angle on both end so look line a nose I suppose that the origin.
calf = 骹肚 correction: my error in early writing
knee = 骹é å�ž actual the cap (in Hokkein as docking point) for the tibia (shinbone) and femur (thighbone).
thigh = 骹腿 correction: my error in early writing
buttock = explained by you clearly
anus = 尻�空
I'll do the hand another day. going to sleep.
Originally posted by Clivebenss:sole = 骹尺 also 骹尺底; 骹底 is mandarinised Hokkien.
toe = 骹指é and 骹指 you understand
big/first toe = usage commonly 骹拇指 in the past; 骹大指 more common nowadays
2nd toe = 骹二指; 3rd toe = 骹三指; 4th 骹四指
last toe = 骹尾指; 骹兮�尾蜀隻指 is ok.
arch = 骹翹
instep = 骹背 the part opposite of the sole where the strap of the slipper or the shoe vamp rest on. Lower instep is called 骹盘 covering the connecting toe 五掌ç‹.
heel = 骹後蹬 is well understand; 骹�蹬 I never heard of this term.
ankle = 骹目
shin = 骹鼻� the part bony part that join the ankle and the knee; always angle on both end so look line a nose I suppose that the origin.
calf = 骹肚 correction: my error in early writing
knee = 骹é å�ž actual the cap (in Hokkein as docking point) for the tibia (shinbone) and femur (thighbone).
thigh = 骹腿 correction: my error in early writing
buttock = explained by you clearly
anus = 尻�空
I'll do the hand another day. going to sleep.
I'm only human.
�鳥 is the simplified form. The more accurate characters are 膦爪, u noe right ?
might as well.
Oh Clivebenss
I have got the article for KH'A posted
Please do take a look and some comments