by Elena Chong
A MAN who caned two brothers under his care was sentenced to six months' jail on Thursday for ill-treatment. But the 45-year-old electronic scientist is appealing against the sentence. Bail of $15,000 was offered.
He was wheeled to court in a stretcher with a tube attached to his nose. The man, who cannot be named to protect the identities of the victims, recently suffered a heart attack and was hospitalised.
The bespectacled man had earlier pleaded guilty to two charges of ill-treating the nine-year-old boy and his 11-year-old brother at his house on April 3, 2009. Two other charges of ordering the older boy to slap the younger one a total of 90 times the previous day were considered during his sentencing.
A Community Court heard that sometime in December 2008, the victims' parents arranged for the victims to stay with the accused to manage their discipline. The accused then designed a strict daily schedule for the victims which included bathing at 4.30am to 5.30am, going to bed at 11pm and recording their movements in a diary every 20 minutes.
On April 3 at about 4.30am, the victims were found dozing off while studying and the accused punished them by caning the younger boy 30 times. He also caned the older boy 20 times.
The Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports was informed by the school of the incident. In his oral judgment, Community Court Judge Ng Peng Hong accepted the prosecution's submission that a custodial sentence was warranted. He said the case involved a strong element of public interest given that the two victims were young and vulnerable; the harm caused by the series of caning, resulting in multiple physical injuries to the victims.
Kids nowadays very naughty and playful. That is what we call kids isnt it?
Normal kids are like that.
Too bad, that man gets over his head. Now pay for its action.
wah feel sorry for that man. He shouldnt have taken them in.
30 times
and 20 times
other ppl son not his son..
Next time don't cane la...use a big phone book to whack the kids...canot see the injury. No proof hahaha.
That is torture man!
No, I mean use the phone book to whack the backside. Plenty of meat there, can hide all the evidence of beating. Children need discipline man.
Originally posted by Julian.khor:No, I mean use the phone book to whack the backside. Plenty of meat there, can hide all the evidence of beating. Children need discipline man.
Children will complain to his parents. How arh?
Anyway, serve him right. He heard that he is appealing...sure sentences will be doubled.
A Community Court heard that sometime in December 2008, the victims' parents arranged for the victims to stay with the accused to manage their discipline.
weird right?
why did the parents do that in the first place?
Originally posted by dragg:A Community Court heard that sometime in December 2008, the victims' parents arranged for the victims to stay with the accused to manage their discipline.
weird right?
why did the parents do that in the first place?
That is the story behind why it happen till now.
So, the kid's parents don't have to take any of the blame? They don't discipline their own children yet ask someone else to do it. Singaporeans need to wake up!!! Both parents working long hours and not spending enough time with their children is plain neglect. Unfortunately, our government is encouraging this.