Originally posted by Clivebenss:Jan 5, 2011 - ST Forum
I REFER to Mr Xavier Lur's letter ("Narrow the gender gap"; Dec 28).
The last I heard, only women can bear children and hence contribute to the physical growth of the country. If this is not "national service", what is?
Koh Chin Chin (Madam)
Women's duty to bear children.
Nothing to do with ns.
women are acknowledged to be weak
Look at n korea women soldiers...especially their marching..wow...looks beautiful and sweet.
Originally posted by Pure Emptiness:Gender equality gal should serve NS.
Can train patriotism for women too.
I lastime NS smelly peng i sit in mrt women see siam. Take bus also.
Women should appreciate wad we done to protect the country.
Have you fought a war for singapore? No? Then you haven't done shit.
Originally posted by Fcukpap:women are acknowledged to be weak
Agreed. The only thing I know they are good at is continuously watching vcd dramas, or talking on the phone the entire goddamn day.
lunch break also no sits. all sit there eat and wait for one another chop sits (OMG i tot like last time kids take school bus now also adults working chop sits ). finish wait for eveyone in the round table and tok cock think like restaurant arh! other people wanna eat cannot find sits. when sit down have to listen to others crap cheebae tok. so hardworking arh outside office already still got so many office shits to tok. so daring tok to the big boss like that during office hours lah! yyou find me take-away and eat alone during lunch weird?! its because of shitlotheads like those cheebyes and lunchews that hog up the bloody place.