When someone puke/merlion in your cab what do you do? Some say pay $50,
some say pay $100, some say pay$200! Whats the going rate?
- In the event of an accident big or small (touch wood!) what do you do?
- Extra cash locations, Airport day $3, night $5, Espo $2 regardless,
town side after 5pm $3 to midnight, Sentosa resort hotels $1? $3?
(Conflicting answers), where else?
- Midnight drivers, they always seem to go way above 100km/hr, whats the "speed limit"?
- In the event people try to rob you, what is your reaction/ preparation?
- In the event people try to seduce you, what is your reaction/ preparation?
-In the event people run away from your cab what is your reaction/ preparation?
- Dead sleepers in your cab, what do you do?
- Lost items, how do you handle it?
- "I want to pay half by easy link, half by nets/ credit" How you handle it?
- People start fighting near your cab, what do you do?
- People hanky panky in your cab (Usually couples), what do you do?
- People flag you down and ask for set rate to go from point A- to point B (Malaysia style) What do you do?
Feel free to add unlikely, weird and funny situations.