May I know what/how/why.....
1001 questions on my mind now....
CDG called me for the 1st time due to a complain on being late for adv job (due to heavy traffic this few days) and after explanation thought all was fine but got a 2nd call from them today to drink coffee at Sin Ming tomorrow.
1) Does it look like I'm going to be terminated?
2) What's the usual procedure? Warning letter 1st then off you go or is there a chance that tomorrow is just a discussion and I be more careful in future....
Look forward to your replies guys...Thank U
it's okay to leave it open .
I reopen it to want to see what kind of response from the blue corner .
Actually TS should start asking yourself ...... u got other case bo ?
If got..... then this is just another +1 into the case ...... will not be surprise if u kena RED CARDED .
there is no procedure lah...leaser and hirer have a contract to bind, hirer can throw keys anytime, paid or not another issue, leaser can also ask you to return their cab anytime without even a good reason.
In eyes of the laws, termination means termination of contractual agreement bind by the contract, not you or the taxi company
Who is the one jio kopi? If Simon then hor seh liao. If terminated then will ask you to appeal. KNN tell them fly kite lah....Singapore only CDG got teksi meh?
Originally posted by hammerhammer8888:Who is the one jio kopi? If Simon then hor seh liao. If terminated then will ask you to appeal. KNN tell them fly kite lah....Singapore only CDG got teksi meh?
Originally posted by hammerhammer8888:Who is the one jio kopi? If Simon then hor seh liao. If terminated then will ask you to appeal. KNN tell them fly kite lah....Singapore only CDG got teksi meh?
Another friend at Bukit Panjang also just tio pok .
I listen to the story also want to laugh .
Pedestrains cross road illegally , he honked .
Kena complaint , tio pok by Comfort .
Originally posted by hammerhammer8888:Who is the one jio kopi? If Simon then hor seh liao. If terminated then will ask you to appeal. KNN tell them fly kite lah....Singapore only CDG got teksi meh?
hahaha...teksi, singapore dun have lah, only in malaysia.
Originally posted by Angwk7118:Some time I wonder why cdg pax love to complain so much?
Then come to think about, must be their farking policy, they try to make their pax happy
By giving out free voucher worth from 5 to a higher amount depend on the complain is
Where as other company hardly have this kind of policy, maybe smrt also have but I not
So sure about it.
Let the cdg member go and think about it.
Don’t believe ask hammer. I taught him to get free voucher
hahaha..I do not think that such vouchers are what pax go for it, there are many geninue factors that derived cdg to be more pax orientated.
Originally posted by Angwk7118:Some time I wonder why cdg pax love to complain so much?
Then come to think about, must be their farking policy, they try to make their pax happy
By giving out free voucher worth from 5 to a higher amount depend on the complain is
Where as other company hardly have this kind of policy, maybe smrt also have but I not
So sure about it.
Let the cdg member go and think about it.
Don’t believe ask hammer. I taught him to get free voucher
Ya ya my wife always book taxi. Little bit buay song COMPLAIN!!! Next day taxi voucher come liao. Sometimes $10 sometimes $20 depends how loud I shout on the phone....Lol
Originally posted by bowah:
hahaha..I do not think that such vouchers are what pax go for it, there are many geninue factors that derived cdg to be more pax orientated.
Not true lah....a lot of pax I talk to also says CDG very easy to get voucher one....
Originally posted by bowah:
hahaha...teksi, singapore dun have lah, only in malaysia.
Recently saw this in Sg beh swee........
Why always 斩他人志气,ç�自己å¨�风。。。
So pax always like CDG because they know their drivers are discipline whether for show or not doesn't matter..........
At the end, does it benefit other companies?.......
CDG is rather too strict on drivers, but if the rest of the companies drivers don't follow suit, lugi is still yourself, your MDT will still be forever quiet like nobody business.........
Hello Everyone, thank u for the replies...get back to u soon.BLUEFLAME ask me (wife) type halfway he sleep liao.sorry..
Originally posted by BLUEFLAME:Hello Everyone, thank u for the replies...get back to u soon.BLUEFLAME ask me (wife) type halfway he sleep liao.
Originally posted by Rbs70:
Hye sorry for the late reply.i,ve been bz lately.The issue is actually about an adv booking tat i took n i am late for that due to heavy traffic...Booking is at 0800 hrs..i called pax @0758hrs n say i'll be pax says just proceed to his place.On the way to my dest,i called call ctr to assist me if there's any replacement yo the ctr called pax n conform w me that pax will wait n there's no replacement at tat moment.So i manage to reached the dest @0827hrs.Pax face very long until the make it a smooth way out to the main road(pax plc is at a terrace hse)..i need him to guide me to the main road.within two mins which he is in the cab,he ask me to stop the veh n do not wish to cont the journey.I was given a stern warning on that kopi session n frm my side of view @ the kopi session...i do not wanna xplain any further to the person i met cause i noe how i xplain to them..i will be in the WRONG SIDE....
Just verbal warning ah? Then good for you. Dun take advance job lah. Bo hua one. Peak hours scare no people? Scare no call? My advise to you. Only take advance booking as the first job at the start of shift near your place if possible.
Noted hammerhammer....any advice frm my taxi bros,i will take it even thou sometimes it is a painfull thing to my ears...Thanx bro.
Originally posted by hammerhammer8888:Just verbal warning ah? Then good for you. Dun take advance job lah. Bo hua one. Peak hours scare no people? Scare no call? My advise to you. Only take advance booking as the first job at the start of shift near your place if possible.
Originally posted by BLUEFLAME:Noted hammerhammer....any advice frm my taxi bros,i will take it even thou sometimes it is a painfull thing to my ears...Thanx bro.