Originally posted by Uraniumfish:If you are lucky, can earn 7000 per month
If you work 20 hours a day as a taxi driver, you might earn 7000 a month. It is not luck. It is loooonnnnng hours.
My average income from 6pm to 12 midnight daily is around $80 after rental & fuel cost costs. And on Friday nites, I earn more like around $120. Thses are average figs for me. Some peeps can earn more but I'm comfortable with it.
Working midnite are paid twice, even if it is a night shift jobs, the wages and shift allowances are higher, so as TD plying in the nite, by rights, you should be earning more than day by at least 1/3 of day earning.
Earn more, spend more
Earn less, want to spend more also do not have..
The irony is, you earn more or less, every month end up also same same if you do not control your spending.
So, I would say earning is a must in term of our daily going concern life, but the more important is how you spend, some earn $50, like me, every day also pass happily, some earn 7k per month, end up so much problem, loan here, credit there, own here and there.
Originally posted by Tzarh:if relatives visit means you are at LIM CHU KANG ...lol
No bro . Diease like Hyper tension and diabetes. I am one suffering from diabetes and eating medication everyday.
Originally posted by bowah:Working midnite are paid twice, even if it is a night shift jobs, the wages and shift allowances are higher, so as TD plying in the nite, by rights, you should be earning more than day by at least 1/3 of day earning.
Earn more, spend more
Earn less, want to spend more also do not have..
The irony is, you earn more or less, every month end up also same same if you do not control your spending.
So, I would say earning is a must in term of our daily going concern life, but the more important is how you spend, some earn $50, like me, every day also pass happily, some earn 7k per month, end up so much problem, loan here, credit there, own here and there.
yah man like chinese saying............... zi zhu chang le...............
are you guys crazy,discuss how much you earn here?on the road not enough taxis to compete with you for pax,u want more people to start driving ah,or nowadays the media unfair coverage towards taxi drivers not enough??discuss more abit one day you will find there will be no more good nights in the week cause there be alot of p/time hit and run drivers.
Originally posted by since1979:are you guys crazy,discuss how much you earn here?on the road not enough taxis to compete with you for pax,u want more people to start driving ah,or nowadays the media unfair coverage towards taxi drivers not enough??discuss more abit one day you will find there will be no more good nights in the week cause there be alot of p/time hit and run drivers.
wat to do rite?? alot of ppl like to...............
Originally posted by komade:yah man like chinese saying............... zi zhu chang le...............
Bros you means Spider Always Happy.
last time wednesday thursday friday saturday all good nights now all these days no more P n G liao...say somemore get TD higher profile abit.one day we all have to drive longer hours just to make same amount of money.the silver cab say he earn 7k a month in the papers everyone say he stupid and not true,but here the people also declaring how much they earn.whats the difference?
Originally posted by since1979:last time wednesday thursday friday saturday all good nights now all these days no more P n G liao...say somemore get TD higher profile abit.one day we all have to drive longer hours just to make same amount of money.the silver cab say he earn 7k a month in the papers everyone say he stupid and not true,but here the people also declaring how much they earn.whats the difference?
not matter how much we cannon here, it's not going to defeat the power of our media.
Cannon, even water gun also cannot reach them, not say cannon..alamak
Originally posted by since1979:are you guys crazy,discuss how much you earn here?on the road not enough taxis to compete with you for pax,u want more people to start driving ah,or nowadays the media unfair coverage towards taxi drivers not enough??discuss more abit one day you will find there will be no more good nights in the week cause there be alot of p/time hit and run drivers.
Originally posted by Angwk7118:
No they are not crazy, we get get more newbie driving taxi not because of this forum we are getting more newbie driving taxi because of the curent policy implement by papaya don't you notice more and more young driving are driving taxi at early 30s? they drive not because of the collection reported, just like me who have to switch to taxi too, they join this trade because of the FT policy over the past years driving taxi don't expect every day/week/month/year to be the same, that's why maybe me and many other tds have the same, is the last job that came into our mind Maybe what you should do is ask those pax to stop complaining to the authority and media that they always cannot get a taxi when they need one ( so where were you when they need taxi) the pax are the main reason that cause of more taxi increase on the road remember the LTA for taxi popuplation up to 2% yearly increase is also a result of it one day maybe we will be all fight on the road to find pax
To be honest if one will to compare between Taxi driving and "society" work, "society" work will still be the prefered choice. If u read this forum long enough, you should no why and some of them ha also successfully switch from TD back to society.
All driving as TD will be the last alternatve that we will think of but of course there are minority that will prefer TD as a start. Really minority as those ppl that don't need CPF cos TD had to contribute you own CPF( Medisave) whereas the "society" work will contribute your CPF together with you.
Thus, with the FT policy (that our papaya want ) really pushed the our own ppl to TD driving more faster and thus you can see more and more younger generation. So unless CPF is not an issue to your daily need, then "society" work will still be ther prefered one. So, please be understanding for more and more TD on the road....
Just me 2 cents.
sometimes bcause of the stoopiak policies implemeted we r forced out
of work or work for lower pay cause of the influx of FTs...............
imagine in Sg, u r paid 2k per mth bfore CPF deduction with 2 kids, wife
n parents ............ how to survive??
2k? tia kong the current botak financial minister once said, 1k can live happily in HDB liao..
Originally posted by Leevenus07:To be honest if one will to compare between Taxi driving and "society" work, "society" work will still be the prefered choice. If u read this forum long enough, you should no why and some of them ha also successfully switch from TD back to society.
All driving as TD will be the last alternatve that we will think of but of course there are minority that will prefer TD as a start. Really minority as those ppl that don't need CPF cos TD had to contribute you own CPF( Medisave) whereas the "society" work will contribute your CPF together with you.
Thus, with the FT policy (that our papaya want ) really pushed the our own ppl to TD driving more faster and thus you can see more and more younger generation. So unless CPF is not an issue to your daily need, then "society" work will still be ther prefered one. So, please be understanding for more and more TD on the road....
Just me 2 cents.
Not all TD driving Taxis are due to last option, if you move around serangoon garden, bukit timah king and queen's road, you can see those red, blue and white taxis park at their private house, you also can see london cabs.
You see, one thing we forget to see is the aging population, we singaporean are aging fast with so less youngs coming in, and as we aged, gain some fortune thru investment, earlier hardwork or simply buy and sell properties, or that CPF and saving is more than enuf to last 2 to 3 generations, the option left to make one still vibrant and able can be taxis driving to keep one going before dementia, schizophrenia or brain dead set in.
And that is also why LTA is asking Taxis companies to ensure that their taxis are on the road with the new regulation
Originally posted by komade:sometimes bcause of the stoopiak policies implemeted we r forced out
of work or work for lower pay cause of the influx of FTs...............
imagine in Sg, u r paid 2k per mth bfore CPF deduction with 2 kids, wife
n parents ............ how to survive??
ask ur wife and parents go out work lor...
wah... nite collection compared to day no horse run...
okay... 1st December onwards... chiong nite shift!
Originally posted by Red5xx:ask ur wife and parents go out work lor...
parents too old, wife have to care for childrens and parents, how to go out and work, knn govt wants us to be filial piety to our old parents and give more babies, then at the same time, also want women to go back to work, then how???
Originally posted by Khoon2580:wah... nite collection compared to day no horse run...
okay... 1st December onwards... chiong nite shift!
Nite must alway earn more than day, if nite earn less, then something is wrong.
As said, doing nite jobs also paid more for the sacrification of doing it out of normal hours
Originally posted by Red5xx:ask ur wife and parents go out work lor...
sometimes forced by circumstances cannot how like wat bowah said??
went for so many interviews liao alot offering 1.5k-1.8k based on my
education level n experience...............how to survive??
Originally posted by bowah:2k? tia kong the current botak financial minister once said, 1k can live happily in HDB liao..
A person drawing One Million dollars, is in no position to speak about 'living' with a One thousand dollars salary.
Even if you divide his salary by 12 months, he still draw a salary beyond One Hundred Thousand. He still cannot 'talk on behalf' of a One thousand dollar salary person.
Originally posted by StriveOn:A person drawing One Million dollars, is in no position to speak about 'living' with a One thousand dollars salary.
Even if you divide his salary by 12 months, he still draw a salary beyond One Hundred Thousand. He still cannot 'talk on behalf' of a One thousand dollar salary person.
In another word, he never live in HDB before. This is so true, a person who live in taj mahal for all his life will never understand what is life living in a HDB, and that is why he thot 1k is enuf..full of shit.
Originally posted by StriveOn:A person drawing One Million dollars, is in no position to speak about 'living' with a One thousand dollars salary.
Even if you divide his salary by 12 months, he still draw a salary beyond One Hundred Thousand. He still cannot 'talk on behalf' of a One thousand dollar salary person.
Chinese have a saying : å¤�虫ä¸�å�¯è¯å†°
(In English shold be something like: Do not talk of ice to a butterfly !)
Originally posted by Ct2220:
Chinese have a saying : å¤�虫ä¸�å�¯è¯å†°
(In English shold be something like: Do not talk of ice to a butterfly !)
Ha ha, CT, you know my mandarin half pail of water, so you provide English summary.