i wonder how many of the more than 90000 TDs really exercise?i think less than 1 %,ie 1000 of them who can really exercise regularly?even i as a exercise fanatic couldn't fit in any time for exercise!how to exercise during evening peak period?after work?10 pm?too tired already and fatigue out!if really exercise after 10 pm,body metabolism rate goes up,then how to sleep?any ideas fr TS for some exercise?without sacrificing evening peak hr?
tough lah , to exercise must sacrifice one . . sacrifice half a day.
Like best its work 6am to 6pm . . . then go jogging , after work out , rest and eat proper meals sleep early.
after work out, very difficult to carry on driving unless u damn fit ,recover rapidly .
jog 2.4km is just nice
swimming a few laps also can if just relax tye . swimming good cos whole body moves . . the joints all moving . . . except sweating .
badminton is good but after playing , thighs might . . . ache a bit .
Swimming easiest lah..........provided not raining like this few days...........
So many public pools available..........
Afternoon bo lang.........jump into the pool, relax relax, still got chio bu put half ball to see............
Easy to gear up.........a bag, a swimming trunk, underwear, towel, toiletries..........here we go............Almost N,S,E,W also got public pools.........don't need empty taxi to go.........as and when nearby can jump in liao...........
Last time I make a point to swim at least 10 laps everyday...........
Originally posted by Tcsaaa:thigh not really aching, but whole body stinko. I also bay tahan.
if u sweat frequently from games , it wont be that bad actually . . . anyway if no stinko then something is wrong .
Just have to say taxi driving will intefere with your exercise schedule. When I first started driving, I still went to the gym. But after a while, visits to the gym were reduced because driving and money were distracting me. If I continue, I am sure I will feel the effects. Taxi driving is like a drug. It should be banned.
If TS lazy to work out after work .... buy one of these ! No need buy expensive one , buy a medium cost one .
After a rest at home after work , do a 15 -20minutes work out , and sweat it all out .
The rest again , shower , see TV ..... koon .
Normally after work out , sleep also can sleep better ,
Due to badminton , i need to skip alot .
Cos good for my shoulder , wrist and ankle ..... strengthen both wrist and ankle .
Ankle produced those jumps i need .
Wrist power is the one that control the strength of the racket .
Easy ? Not really , also can sweat like hell .....
After u skip for a week or so , u'll find that when u walk , a bit like floating , u felt like you're very light .
That's very normal .
U can try it at home .....
Stop using the lift !
Walk up !! Run up even better .
Best is put on your running shoes , run up fast and walk slowly down 30 minutes countdown .
Trust me , damn shiok one .
Sweat alot and breathe hard ......
Originally posted by PS2U:Just have to say taxi driving will intefere with your exercise schedule. When I first started driving, I still went to the gym. But after a while, visits to the gym were reduced because driving and money were distracting me. If I continue, I am sure I will feel the effects. Taxi driving is like a drug. It should be banned.
yes,it' true esp OMO where got time!all these methods of exercising we know!only thing where to slot in the time!before taxi driving i ran 2marathons,several half marathons,10 k and 5k!before!now walking also panting and weight zoom up to 85kg!
Originally posted by foolsh_2000:yes,it' true esp OMO where got time!all these methods of exercising we know!only thing where to slot in the time!before taxi driving i ran 2marathons,several half marathons,10 k and 5k!before!now walking also panting and weight zoom up to 85kg!
you r one power bro......
Originally posted by foolsh_2000:yes,it' true esp OMO where got time!all these methods of exercising we know!only thing where to slot in the time!before taxi driving i ran 2marathons,several half marathons,10 k and 5k!before!now walking also panting and weight zoom up to 85kg!
U got that sort of background , dun waste it .
Use it .
do house work loh...mop floor,wash clothes.
If you just want to sweat it out, sleeping is the best form of exercise for TD. Can re-energise as well.
Bed exercise considered exercise or not huh? Once to twice a week with each session ending with me panting and gasping for air lol
i guess this is the only way to relief fatigue-sleep!so what else can a taxi driver find time to do other things?i even saw a comfcuk sonata driver behind me in taxi q taking his meals at the wheels!
Originally posted by Tcsaaa:good example, at least once in 4 day. Hey, rbs70. Dun u say now 10 laps every year…....
10 laps is chicken feet to many la..........
Ah Lee, everyday also swim few laps.........lol
Exercise doesn't mean must sweat out.............mai tia lang luan luan gong, important is stretch out all your physical parts of your body............
Remember 5BX in Army?........most only think of tekan session........but the programme suppose to loosen up all your joints before the start of the day, not to sweat out.............
Marathons is more on endurance exercises...........same goes to 2.4 running................
A non frequent runners will have difficulty catching up the pace..........
For TD, just set yourself a light exercises, even playing bowling, or snooker, sometime do help a bit also............
No reason a OMO TD can't find time to exercise...........
Originally posted by Poolman:
Stop using the lift !
Walk up !! Run up even better .
Best is put on your running shoes , run up fast and walk slowly down 30 minutes countdown .
Trust me , damn shiok one .
Sweat alot and breathe hard ......
I stopped using the lift,....
but now I stay on the Ground floor.