Recently the mod seems to not doing his job.
Sometimes when TS starts a thread on a topic only to be hijacked by forummers commenting on things that are irrelevant to the thread. End up the topic which TS started strayed to no man's land.
I have no objection to forummers who wish to TCSS in this forum but please respect the TS and comment on something that's relevant. It's better to start your own thread to TCSS rather than hijack other's.
Could the mod kindly do something about this issue?
Thank you.
yah i support u,sometimes the thread originally started has got nothing to do with some forummers comments!we want posts that r relevant to what we discuss!
This is a universal problem.
It happen in ervery forum, every topic
It's easy to ask someone to do the job
Why not ask yourselves to take the challenge?
This forum is currently unmoderated..........
TS looking for which mod?.......
Good thread will stay, the rest ultimately will become tcss and rock to the bottom, can we do anything on that?..........
TS you referring to our moderatoress issit? Did you PM her in the first place? PMs Kum Lan one ah??? Lol
The Mod is also a driver like everyone else...
this forum is socially formed and it is non-profit organisation.... u expect the Mod to sit aound staring at his Galaxynote while driving ?? ( I am saying this not becos Poolman is my finger-licking good friend.... actually i HATE HIM....
, but me also a Mod in another related forum
nid to put food on table also...
Soon this threah osi become tcss...lolol
Originally posted by Red5xx:nid to put food on table also...
Aiya no need put food one....Every night pluck few coconut can liao....Lol
Originally posted by hammerhammer8888:TS you referring to our moderatoress issit? Did you PM her in the first place? PMs Kum Lan one ah??? Lol
hammerhammer be fair to her ..... she tried her best .
If she do anything , then she will start all over again , those bans .
replying to the topic ...... yeah i can only available here after 1am .
Now still trying to find one ideal person to moderate the forum .
Still trying ....... bear with it , 2013 will see a new mod .
Okay , put it this way ....
No one here are paid to do anything here .
Most of us here are Taxi Driver tcss and cathcing up ..... sharing what we know , and criticised what is wrongs of both taxi drivers and from taxi company .
If this forum is run by Professional Moderator , u'll find that simply everythread is locked !
Every forum depends on the forumers participation itself to have fun , without the forumers , forum can never have fun .
All we want is to have fun after a hard days work .
Talking cock ...... catchng up , see anyone die already or not .
This is how this forum is the best taxi driver forum in Singapore currently .
Cos I am not a Professional Moderator .
I let everything go ...... let our hair down and talk after a hard day's work .
And when i locked and deleted thread ..... forumers complaint .
Why this why that ?
Then when i say ok , u may continue , then Fireice deleted and locked thread ..... then again buay song .
Buay song , clone and attack fireice .
Then ban .
We need everyone of us to show co-operations !
We all adults , grown up lah , right ?
If grown up need to be told what to do .... then damn sian one .
Yes, sometime talk about taxi driving, become casket driving..
This is just a cyber club for me ....
A centralised messages centre .
Just like my house Coffee Shop , before start engine go buy a cup of coffee , sit down relax , read what people gotta say ...... if see any people , just talk cock sing song , after a while , back to work .
Lastly ....... we are all taxi drivers !!!
Originally posted by bowah:Yes, sometime talk about taxi driving, become casket driving..
Bo bian leh....casket limo jin ho tan mah.....Lol
Originally posted by Poolman:replying to the topic ...... yeah i can only available here after 1am .
Now still trying to find one ideal person to moderate the forum .
Still trying ....... bear with it , 2013 will see a new mod .
Ok la........quick quick la, why must wait for 2013?........GE style?.......
Than whoever tio arrow, will know who TS referring to mah........
Originally posted by bowah:Yes, sometime talk about taxi driving, become casket driving..
Told you to open Casket Forum liao...........I definitely will sarport you.........
what happened since that time a few mods are chosen i remember? zero5 being taken out and a few come in.
Originally posted by Singtaxi:Recently the mod seems to not doing his job.
Sometimes when TS starts a thread on a topic only to be hijacked by forummers commenting on things that are irrelevant to the thread. End up the topic which TS started strayed to no man's land.
I have no objection to forummers who wish to TCSS in this forum but please respect the TS and comment on something that's relevant. It's better to start your own thread to TCSS rather than hijack other's.
Could the mod kindly do something about this issue?
Thank you.
Well, seeing that the job of sgforums's moderaters is to ruin the quality of threads, censor unnecessarily and ban people for no reason, I would say they are doing a very good job.
Agree with TS. Lots of hi-jacking going on by some idiots who TCSS in every post. This ruins the post and eventually the whole forum.
Idiots who TCSS in every post needs to be moderated. Problem increases when the mod also joins in TCSS.
We need a solid! non kam lan mod! who is firm! Just one fierce one is enough. Ban means ban. Rule already posted. No TCSS means No TCSS.
Wanna TCSS, Start your own thread. TC there until CSS nobody care.
It is very difficult to identify if one thread is out of the course , course we are still talking about taxi issues !
Let's say rbs70 tcss with one thread , i see buay song ..... edit his post , then he buay song , ask why this cannot , that cannot , what for like that for a public forum etc etc ...boycott taxi forum ..... go limousine forum tcss about taxi forum ... then i buay song .....
No end with those buay songs ..... it's still need my fellow members to bring back the thread without my presence .
Not need a free lance moderator to assist in all issues ..... if every out of thread i edit or close or locked .....
then not only rbs70 will say sayonara to this forum , i also run ......
Originally posted by Poolman:It is very difficult to identify if one thread is out of the course , course we are still talking about taxi issues !
Let's say rbs70 tcss with one thread , i see buay song ..... edit his post , then he buay song , ask why this cannot , that cannot , what for like that for a public forum etc etc ...boycott taxi forum ..... go limousine forum tcss about taxi forum ... then i buay song .....
No end with those buay songs ..... it's still need my fellow members to bring back the thread without my presence .
Not need a free lance moderator to assist in all issues ..... if every out of thread i edit or close or locked .....
then not only rbs70 will say sayonara to this forum , i also run ......
aiyoh...... why quoted RBS
He's well known for stirring, not out of topic leh
Those suggested to rule the forum by an iron fist...... please lar.
That's the fun of forum posting mah.........
I TL Poolman, Poolman TL me.......than thread come out still post like normal........
Every thread in Forum got different, post, post, than after that forget and proceed to another new interesting thread..........
If really angry, stop posting loh........
Even with moderators ready, very difficult to judge like Poolman had said........
Before TS want to bomb at others, think about it, so easy to start a thread?.......if one start a thread and without replying or no time to reply, very common you will see that.........than how? Sometime forummer just wanted to keep the thread afloat than rock to the bottom..........learn to appreciate more on other forummers effort than critisise them..........