Knn, end up, we singapore taxis drivers really seibei cham, have to look out for pax, have to think of road, have to Q, have to give way here and there, have to bear the jam, then also have to play catch and mouse game with ninjas and TP.
A normal car driver is sure to get summon at least 3 to 10 times per year, be it parking or traffice offences that demerit points. And to think of it, a pte car only on the road of singapore on an average 3 hours per day and not everyday, Taxis is like 10 hours per shift everyday, and yet taxis have to look out for pax, think of the road, the hazard situation and conditions, plus stress and tireness..we should be given more lax by TP and govt on the road, meaning, they must allow certain privileges for us to go into bus lanes, as we are also public transport.
And a the same time, by allow taxis into bus lane, it can help to reduce jams, get people to their office or home faster, govt should then consider allow taxis to work hand in hand with buses, not become enemy, as both are plying the road as a public transport.
But when I reasoned thing out with those off duty TP at lavender, they suspect I took drug..knn
come to think of it, due to unreasonable law. every users of the road becomes clown.