Yes but the taxi beat red light. Can heard the Civic driver did not brake but accelerate right to the point of impact. Like that if insurance company smelly will become 50/50 case because the car driver can avoid the accident. End up taxi also will kanna 12 pts $200, Only winner is the workshop.
IF, if i got lui, sometime oso wan to bang those sonata...
Originally posted by Red5xx:IF, if i got lui, sometime oso wan to bang those sonata...
Use your Mercs ah? Lol
Ya must wu lui then can. If not Dowager will jiak your deposit again. Btw your excess is also $2140? Or more expensive?
Rent a lorry. Cheaper
I believe there are some pte car owners, if given a chance, will whack into taxis, provided taxis is in the wrong, most of these drivers hate TDs or may have get claimed by TD before. So, guys, becareful. 50 or 100%, beat red light, jialat liao.
But most important is still life, money can earn, life is only one.
look like the taxi bang car on purpose!!!
both drivers must be dreaming
surely TD's fault.....
TD cheong RED LIGHTs + less 12 demerit points from TP....
TD wants to be a Ferrai driver huh ?
Td's fault 100%, for beating the red light and expecting the car to give way! Maybe dreaming also.
But car driver should not hv taken his eye off the ball...
Late in the night.... who is thinking straight?
(the surrounding) must be @ AMK Ave 3, along Serangoon North, turning into Serangoon North Ave 1.
the blackvue cam looks good....
knn what that taxi driver doing ?
i mean this car also one kind .....
This is typically what cantonese people said hug together and die together
Originally posted by bowah:This is typically what cantonese people said hug together and die together
Like this? Lol
the video remind me of
that private car just didn't get enough fun from it previously