Regarding booking from inside Jurong Island .
Their standard booking charge is base on "Advance Booking" all round 24/7 .
Must check with controller to confirm passenger , they must know the charges .
U can only bid for jobs broadcasted by Jenny inside kiosk .
DO not bid for jobs broadcasted by Helen , Emily , the rest .
Reason : The guard room of Jurong Island Checkpoint do not entertain other numbers that call in other than 62541117 for approval to go in .
Thank you .
Do not attempt to get pax to call the checkpoint guard room to approve you to go in , it will never work .
Jurong Island checkpoint only approve Prime taxis freedom of going in and out .
Jurong Island checkpoint guard room also recognised booking via MDT .
So taxis with caller's informations on MDT , then be allowed to go in .
But $2.30 and $3.30 ...... sorry man , my fuel expensive to go in , troublesome to go in , change pass here and there ,lay chay .
So lay chay still ya ya kapala , let them rot !
Other than Lake View who practise "Advance" rate , teams from Taman Jurong and Boon Lay and Prime taxis , plus Beach Road adopted similiar charges .
Only taxi companies like TransCab , SMRT , Smart , Premier and CDG , follow standard booking rate .
So let those taxi companies sort out those trips for commuters inside Jurong Island .
Others only entertain "Premium" level of jobs .
So please remember and be alert ..... if Jenny is inside kiosk when such jobs are despatch , if not , dun take !
U'll end up wasting your time , trying to go in , cos those Cisco Guards will never allowed you in .