Originally posted by cyben764:Thats the problem your not a TD, last time i not TD i also think how hard can it be. saying is easy, but when you are a TD it's totally different. Reject pax get complains, reject too many pax no income. Most drive taxi cos they don't want the stress of other jobs, so when we get such pax, why stress ourself out. Just bring to police.
Yes time is money, policeman time is also money, but like u said only so little of such case refered to police if you compare the number of taxi on the roads.
It's only on weekends at night u get such cases, i don't think reach 20 of such case per weekend. Most of the time the police also idle, you should see how happy when i called my NPC because of a cat stuck in a car.
3 police car came down, one car 2 policeman so total 6 guys. My neighbours all thought i did something really bad until 3 cars come down, but actually me and the cops rescuing a cat.
I took my TDVL not cause i wanted to drive taxi full time at first. But then halfway thru the course i got my retrenchment letter.
Eventhough driving taxi is not for everyone, those who want to understand more should just take TVDL, it's a good backup also.
Normally if u ask other cab drivers u will only hear the good stories, you'll be amaze no matter how high u study, how good your general knowledge, sometimes when u have passenger u have to be humble.
U put "On Call" sign cos u got a call booking, pax still flag you never stop they give middle finger. Don't know how many middle finger i get since i start driving these 3 months. Most of the pax we get speak to us with a tone of voice like we are some type of scum. Especially FTs, pinoy, india and some ang mohs. But mostly ang mohs ok lah. Pinoy and Indian think we taxi driver like cab drivers in their country so they show no respect. Younger generation Singaporean also show no respect.
Only one lady surgeon, a guy at Fuji Xerox that happen to handle same government project as me previously and a banker talk to me in a normal tone so far. Rest all talk to us as if we are their slaves. Oh yah got one guy call me uncle then the GF scold him say, " eh he not that old!" then the guy, "eh sorry bro!" LoL
dun worry bro get used to being called uncle for the rest of ur TD life.............
Uncle ok lah, got one xmm call me ah pek..knn