As in lower discount for relief drivers .
knn phui another phui policies .
What's up in their sleeves now ?
Pressure relief to sign up as hirer ?
So as to get higher discounts ?
knn crazy buggers .... no brain to think .
Now so many CNG drivers one shift pump one time , the rest on petrol , unless nearby .
Now who want to relief for CNG Wish ?
First they slapped $32.10 for everytime a relief signing up for any hirer as super relief .
Then now ....
Dunno who's brain so "prolific" ?
Any cng members to update those situation now ?
most relief dont have the cnergy fuel card.
most i know are using hirer fuel card
i still got my own fuel card cos last time i hirer
so they still think i hirer eventho now i relief?
so discount how to be different if hirer and relief used the same fuel card?
dont tell me they got mata inspector standing at payment station to verify your ic and fuel card ah?
another pig idea thought up by some wannabe smart alec in trans??