last night took a passenger(he a bit drunk)fr somewhere at admiralty rd(woodlands) to a short destination,he mumble some routes,but i only hear woodlands av 4,so i drove thro woodlands av 1 then turn left to av 4,along the way he was sarcastic and say take MRT even faster,actually he wants to go woodlands dr 50,but bcos he was a bit drunk,i didn't catch him.actually he wants to go by av5,so he was all the while brooding in the taxi,when going to reach,i ask him where to turn,that's the time he started to shout at me,and accuse me of taking longer route,i also was angry and ask him to get out and forfeiting the taxi fare,but he still not happy and threaten to complain to company.can he really complain to company?since i didn't take his fare!
Bro , given to me , police station liao , no need talk much . Drunkards losing end one .
Drunkard mian pang chan one ..... :et Police deal with it .
Whack .
Bro fools ..... u buay zhai knn .
Like that scared drunkard complaint .... no need talk much , call police next time , no need scared .
Ai Zhai one drive taxi .... u buay zai leh ....
haha yah man if me sure bring go police n collect my fare
some more.......... happened alot of times liao.................
but he was threatening to complain to company,so i got scared and let him off free,i don't know whether he use this tactic to get a free the other day a young lady took my cab,reach destination say normally fare only $15 cos i drive slow so meter jump more!and then say she got only $15 with her when the fare was ard $18.80
drive slow got diff meh? I tot drive at 20kmh or 80kmh as long as travel 400m still jump $0.22 one?
how will the police deal with such ppl?
Pls lah,
I am considered small sized TD, it happened to me I took this drunkard Indian to Clementi, as I exit out of AYE, I keep asking which part of Clementi? Which block his house is? He just mumble keep going straight, go straight. As I look at his size, he is 3 or 4 times bigger than mine, I asked myself how the hell am I going to unload him anywhere if I still can't find his destination. In a nick of thinking, I know this place that operate 24hrs, CLEMENTI POLICE STATION. So I drove him there. A policeman on guard ask me what I need, then I told him my problems, in lest than one minute, the drankard finally comes awake and slowly walk out of my cab, the police officer than get him to show him his ic and pay my metered fare. He then followed the instructions and I was deem to go off without him, from my rear mirror, I saw the drunkard man boarded another taxi home. That time is 3 yrs ago when I started driving taxi. Lucky still got this 24hr place to solve my problem, you just have to find out where in all the HDB area. Haha.
Small size a bit disadvantage. So far I taken all drunkard no problem. I know they knocking out soon I will ask them for EXACT address and some money before I start my meter. If buay gam then fark off. No money nevermind, I charge their credit card $50 first to test water first if ok then I reversed the charge and start meter. Reach liao charge the card to exact amount then throw back the card ask them fark off. If got merlion I charged accordingly...
charge accordingly for merlion?
Originally posted by foolsh_2000:last night took a passenger(he a bit drunk)fr somewhere at admiralty rd(woodlands) to a short destination,he mumble some routes,but i only hear woodlands av 4,so i drove thro woodlands av 1 then turn left to av 4,along the way he was sarcastic and say take MRT even faster,actually he wants to go woodlands dr 50,but bcos he was a bit drunk,i didn't catch him.actually he wants to go by av5,so he was all the while brooding in the taxi,when going to reach,i ask him where to turn,that's the time he started to shout at me,and accuse me of taking longer route,i also was angry and ask him to get out and forfeiting the taxi fare,but he still not happy and threaten to complain to company.can he really complain to company?since i didn't take his fare!
Police kamlan one ar?
At nite, police are damn boring, please give them some job to pass the nite, thanks
In this world, there is no such thing as free lunch, nor are there free rides.
Originally posted by MaverickX:drive slow got diff meh? I tot drive at 20kmh or 80kmh as long as travel 400m still jump $0.22 one?
this is the third time i have been told,u drive slow meter jump clarify matters i gonna ask LTA whether this is true!or else passengers will always gave this excuse to pay less!
Given the same distance, taxi going by km, fast or slow, also same amount, the extra happen only at stoppage time, if too much stoppage, fares might be higher and some cheapo paxs will grumble.
But if you go wrong road and take longer distance, fare is sure to go up.
For drunk pple, i do not take, half drunk may consider, but must show me the money first, no show money, I reject it. Lean to say no in life ok, not everything also yes yes yes, like this sure die lah
if everybody kay siowlike that , we eat what ?
Let police deal wif such people , they are nuisance to us .
Report police also one way protecting ourself against customer complaint .
what smallsize ho jiak ?
lan chiao , small size also i know how to bring them police station .
i pay gst one hor.... GST garmen take and pay Police salary one .,
Pool big size? Haha ask the fat CB at Lengkok Bahru Pool ho jiak? Lol.....
but that pcb fat cb pushed uncle me , i slipped onto the floor .
I said : " knnccb push uncle me ?"
Piak piak piak ..... she woke up . LOL
Ya loh. After the push she sure regret....the taxi fare uncle waive off cannot even cover half her medical fees.....hahaha
Waaaaaa uncle pool man so hiong one ah 😱 wat kind of piak piak first? 😄😄
Originally posted by Happybird95:Waaaaaa uncle pool man so hiong one ah 😱 wat kind of piak piak first? 😄😄
2 tight slap on the face and 1 hard kick to the that loh....
Originally posted by MaverickX:drive slow got diff meh? I tot drive at 20kmh or 80kmh as long as travel 400m still jump $0.22 one?
it is different at the 20km and 80km
at average 20km, pax pay more then average 80km speed
Originally posted by hammerhammer8888:2 tight slap on the face and 1 hard kick to the that loh....
The only piak I know is something else 😄😄
Then maybe it should sound like piak - piak - thoiiin....(like king koil advert) since she's a bcb. 😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄
Fark lah, drive fast or slow also won't hit $100 rental per pax, tell them to buy car or take Other transports, Just tell them LTA says taking taxi is a premium transport. You got money at your conveniences anytime, anywhere in Singapore. No money, just use BMW (Bus, MRT, Walking). FYI. nothing I free, you got work you got money, no work no pay criminal offence, either jail or rotan if more serious offences, king also must follows. Only DEAD will be pardon.
i call the LTA regarding this issue but they ask me to call company,pushing away @ other responsibility.i think if it is true that driving slower will cost more,must ask company to ask everybody to drive >90 km/hr.but what about later when everybody driving fast,passenger will say drive fast,meter jump faster!