sure or not? 45% omo???
where u get the figure?
what tok u tok...
if omo, should be 100% not letting their taxi..
bro.............. today u having a bad day again?? .............
It was in the news report 45.xx % of taxi drivers are OMO
but i think the minister was sabo by the figures again ...
just like last time says TD earn 8xxx per mth
selective omiting of sentences/words
omo earn more?
flexible hours?
disposal of cab for use as and when need?
cannot find suitable relief?
lazy to find relief?
So, after all, it is lazy to find relief, ok, noted
it is possible majority of drivers from SMRT , TransCab Wish , Prime , Smart are OMOs .
Cos who the fuck want to drive for such taxi companies ? But if they can find a relief , they will .
Those want to find relief , will drive for Singapore Biggest Taxi company .
Easier to find mah .....
It is ok, now we understood, we will tell these companies to make sure any OMO that clocked low mileage per day please help them to get a relief, otherwise, their quotas for Taxis shall be reduced to other companies that utilized well.
The stand is therefore to push the top down, which we believe will carry more substance and get thing done.
So, for example if 2 TC OMOs have low mileage, (of course they still can use it for their own purpose to jack up the mileage), we expect, TC to merge them with only one vehicle with both as hirer doing a rotating shift and rotating servicing.
Why OMO not lettting out their taxis ?
At the first place , they had decided to be OMO liao , so why find relief ?
Prime Taxi contribute alot to this 45%, because they do not allow Relief.
As long got rental swee swee paided...
dos the coy care wtf the hirrer do to the taxi?
Originally posted by Red5xx:As long got rental swee swee paided...
dos the coy care wtf the hirrer do to the taxi?
correct lor............ aiyah they juz excuse to intro more cab n jack up COE
then rental increase for us..............
u all forget that sometimes hirer too picky lah.
some of us prefer to be hirer cos money no enough,for 12 hrs i can manage only cover rental plus petrol,sometimes $10 profit after minus rental and petrol!so no choice gotta work longer hours!
thru out these years , crown esp , hard to find relief .
smart taxis also hard to find relief , end up , sublet to beach road taxi kiosks .
cedric even more jiak lat , cos nobody want to drive a manual if given a choice ,
Originally posted by OptimalTrans:Prime Taxi contribute alot to this 45%, because they do not allow Relief.