Originally posted by Serpent33:you 70 lorry also 70.... everyone behind cannot pass... but the "keep left unless overtaking" not very popular in singapore. I also enough ranting bout road users. sian liao.
i said 70-80, i overtook the lorry.
Originally posted by Poolman:ahtan .... i see nothing wrong .
I think it can be avoided if u keep left ( at the speed u are going )
Let go lah ...... small problem , it happens all the time in Sgp .
Members , think ahtan also no fault , that flyover cannot be flying at 110km/hr leh ....
Speed limit one , but problems was he was on the right lane at the wrong time .
boss, i know also the tp won't take action.
i just want to say that, if the front car is slow, u can't take it, overtake it.
no need to do stupid and reckless act.
Originally posted by Bo Call Liao:The motor overtook u , the kia koupe overtook u , the estima also overtook U!
zi tong a bit la , drive so slow why cant u juz move over to the left?!
the speed limit there is 70km/hr, so 70-80km/hr consider slow?
than most right lane all should be empty lah.
Originally posted by Bo Call Liao:btw this is what i will do to the road hoggers , like wad the kia koupe did.
The kia koupe very give face liao , at least he left some gap for u
if me i will just cut abrupty in front of u to tell u u are holding up traffic.
than i will bang into you and dial 995.
cos you even more a reckless driver.
Originally posted by Angwk7118:the way i see , the red coupe just over take you, this is very normal on the road don't see anything wrong the red coupe is doing unless he did a slight brake to scare you
he didn't signal.
and if u read what i written, i had expected he would do that, thus i had slowed down.
or else call 995 loh.
Originally posted by Bo Call Liao:Ever wonder why taxi go everywhere also kena farked?
TS , u not happy the koup high beam u right? u wan to tekan the koup then at least filter to the left after he overtook u & let the others pass.
But u tekan all the others also. u just hog the right lane . look at the blue sonata , he had to brake so hard after overtaking u .
Early this morning on BKE , BMW 5 series also filter and give way to me liao coz i was going much faster than him.
the sonata, braked hard becos he drive too near the estima and the estima braked also lah. don't anything anyhow blame.
Originally posted by bowah:I remember quite long ago, a crown cabby road hog at CTE, then a BM passby and show middle finger at him for road hoggin, the cabby get fed up and give chase,
Toyota crown vs BM 5 series
Final verdict, crown whack into side into drain, cabby died, BM driver go jail
thats y i said, not happy, just overtake and continue yr way.
y bother with all these stupid actions.
Originally posted by Red5xx:wanbao la..
one guy was occupy too long at the axs machine,
than 1 ppl q-ing behine cannot tahan, said " ah di, zi tong abit leh"
than kana whack lor, like that lor...
for me, i will either find another machine or come back later.
Originally posted by Jocelyntxh:Maybe you can go to the left lane if you are driving at a constant speed and let those who are in a rush over take you on the right...
If not you can't balme the red car driver for overtaking you
i don't blame him if he had overtook normally.
he didn't signal when he overtook the lorry, than overtook me and brake.
this action is not normal overtaking.
if i had not expected it & slowed down, i would had banged into him.
and with the car cam, who you think will win?
win if 1 thing, but with people injured, win also no use.
Originally posted by ahtanlor:the speed limit there is 70km/hr, so 70-80km/hr consider slow?
than most right lane all should be empty lah.
Right lane no need to be empty. I wonder how you get your license. The instructor did not tell you to give way if there is a faster vehicle coming from behind? Or you did not check your mirror so you did not know the Kia coming from behind?
Originally posted by ahtanlor:i don't blame him if he had overtook normally.
he didn't signal when he overtook the lorry, than overtook me and brake.
this action is not normal overtaking.
if i had not expected it & slowed down, i would had banged into him.
and with the car cam, who you think will win?
win if 1 thing, but with people injured, win also no use.
This I agree that idiot do this kind of things. But you piss him off in the first place mah....
Originally posted by ahtanlor:the speed limit there is 70km/hr, so 70-80km/hr consider slow?
than most right lane all should be empty lah.
so BKE speed limit is 90 kmh , why a 5 series can move out of his way to let me thru even when he is going at speed limit?
From the camera , nothing showed the koup overtaking the lorry but it did show clearly 4 cars had to overtake u to get thru.
u are tulan with the koup so be it , if someone flash me i will also not let him pass until he overtake me then i filter left. farker see the back mirror sure bang balls.
dont talk abt i bang u , u bang me la , u ever feel the impact of a real serious crash or not?
i ever been in a crash in which my car overturned 3 times becoz i tried to siam a yellow top cab , end up hit kerb and flip.
lucky to be alive ok?
I feel the majority of no road hogging attitude on this thread. But let's put in a fair word. More than 50% of right lane users in SG bo chap one. So the fact is we are really the minority.
You can convince a few drivers, but doesn't change the shitty driving experience in SG. To be honest I am a culprit of agressive overtaking. Sometimes the whole highway empty, then each car block one lane, no room to overtake at all. temper builds each second I have to wait. I will overtake aggressively. But one time this bitch started horning at me and flash high beam at me (see char bor driver= temper x 1.5 times), I slam my fucking brakes until all wheels lock up.
Not that I encourage aggressive behaviour but tulan time means tulan. Can't help it one.
Originally posted by Serpent33:I feel the majority of no road hogging attitude on this thread. But let's put in a fair word. More than 50% of right lane users in SG bo chap one. So the fact is we are really the minority.
You can convince a few drivers, but doesn't change the shitty driving experience in SG. To be honest I am a culprit of agressive overtaking. Sometimes the whole highway empty, then each car block one lane, no room to overtake at all. temper builds each second I have to wait. I will overtake aggressively. But one time this bitch started horning at me and flash high beam at me (see char bor driver= temper x 1.5 times), I slam my fucking brakes until all wheels lock up.
Not that I encourage aggressive behaviour but tulan time means tulan. Can't help it one.
Road hoggers will always relaliate by saying ' i going at speed limit wat!'
Anti road hoggers will have another side to rebutt.
Come to think of it , argue also no point . every nite i also come across inconsiderate hogs on the road.
i hate road hoggers....act like their father own the roads...and still argue that they are following road rules speed limit without any sense of morality...pure selfish act..
Originally posted by Tzarh:i hate road hoggers....act like their father own the roads...and still argue that they are following road rules speed limit without any sense of morality...pure selfish act..
good post . same sentiments
No point in arguring who is road hogger or aggressive driver, most imptly we had to be one piece back home.
Just practicing the correct defensive driving and whether u hogger or aggressive driver, you are answering to yourself.
This all will dervie the driving habit each person. No wrong or right until u realise and accept your driving habit.
The typical right rule of thumb for singapore driving is
For a 3 lanes expressway, lane 1, 90-100..lane 2, 80-90 and lane 3, 70-80.
For all other normal road lane lane 1 60-70, lane 2, 50-60.
So if you are travelling at 80 on a lane 1 expressway, zhi tong abit lah, even china zhi Tong bus also can travel at 70 on lane 3, you sped up or else go join the zhi Tong bus at lane 3.
For normal road, due to traffic light, and lots of obstacle, it is up to your skill, in fact, if you notice, accident happen more on expressway than in normal road, because at expressway, the concentration is less, and those driving long hrs may doze off, as compare to normal road, you are alway more alert. Alert for traffic light change, pedestrians, cyclist and chio bus
Highway code (Basic Theory in Driving) states that keep left unless overtaking. Overtaking can be done only on the right, can overtake on left only when vehicles in front turning right.
On Malaysian highway it is an offence to overtake on the left, that's why fast oncoming cars will honk and high beam at slow movers moving at "I'm travelling at the speed limit so I'm not wrong drivers" on the right lane. The right lane is called also the overtaking lane.
One road hogger can cause a long 'dragon' forming kilometeres behind him. Imagine an ambulance rushing his relative to hospital caught in this dragon he created thus making it lose precious time in reaching medical help. All actions have cause and effect, a simple act of road hogging (ignorant of the highway code basics) can potentially cause someone's tragedy.
The slogan on the EMAS flashes "Think of your love ones, drive safely." should be changed to "Don't be the cause of fellow motorists tragedies."
Sometime look for addresses in those knn housing estate or private houses, I also road hog, but once you learn to admit that you road hog, wave and apologise to other, it will make everyone a better day.
Just acknowledge that you road hogged other, move out or sped up, no harm done. The frustration part is people do not want to acknowledge and still very stubborn about their right, that is where the problem come in.
Yes, people knock your back, you can claim your rights rightfully, but what is the use, end up, you get to rest with less income and more paperwork, people just claim insurance and most of them got substitute car to drive with their comprehensive insurance packages.
I ever see one honda Intergra purposely whack hard into a new sabaru for road hogging. knn, his temper must be boiling that time.
Originally posted by bowah:The typical right rule of thumb for singapore driving is
For a 3 lanes expressway, lane 1, 90-100..lane 2, 80-90 and lane 3, 70-80.
For all other normal road lane lane 1 60-70, lane 2, 50-60.
So if you are travelling at 80 on a lane 1 expressway, zhi tong abit lah, even china zhi Tong bus also can travel at 70 on lane 3, you sped up or else go join the zhi Tong bus at lane 3.
For normal road, due to traffic light, and lots of obstacle, it is up to your skill, in fact, if you notice, accident happen more on expressway than in normal road, because at expressway, the concentration is less, and those driving long hrs may doze off, as compare to normal road, you are alway more alert. Alert for traffic light change, pedestrians, cyclist and chio bus
si meh?
more like casket van, bus, lorry dr in 2nd lane and
those fast speed car in 3rd lane on sg rd....
Rule of thumb mah, they want to speed, all up to them, how far can you speed on Singapore road? 200 or 240?
It's wonderful what a simple wave of the hand to signal your gratitude can do.Motorists shoud be doing this more often, wave when others give way to you, wave when you are in the wrong, courtesy goes a long way in calming tempers on the road.
I had written to the TP suggesting they advertised snippets of highway codes and it's penalty on public transport to re-educate and remind motorists.
Had a lady driver told me that she do not know not signalling her intention when turning is an offence amounting to a fine. Next time she said she will signal because she might be fined. Imagine what selfishness, do the right thing so would not be fined and not because of safety to other motorists. But alas no fish, prawn also can.
Yes, by waving and show sigh of thumb up, thank you can make all drivers a better day, and when you get acknowledged back with waving, it just show the understanding and appreciation. I bet all TDs including me will alway appreciate some good sign given to us on the road.
Because vehicle is unlike human coming face to face, people can said, excuse me, or I am sorry in public to each other, but for vehicles, the communicating channel is usually the honks and headlights, and this is alway taken as a aggressive gesture in a certain way. Therefore, by waving, it can help to deviate the misunderstanding.
Just wave, not show middle finger