Jasmine or TC System Admin...
pls take immdeiate action to rectify the error with the source code...
need to track the cashless reimbursed... and most innportant... how much rental to bank in!
Originally posted by Khoon2580:Jasmine or TC System Admin...
pls take immdeiate action to rectify the error with the source code...
need to track the cashless reimbursed... and most innportant... how much rental to bank in!
Just bank in the required amount loh. Until you see there is enough cashless coming in then that day no need bank in. No need to track so troublesome. Last time I track 3 months seem ok so stop trackking liao. No worries their transaction all swee swee one except the timing a bit long nia....
Btw Jasmine got read sgforum one meh?
Ya lor phui x 1m
But we'll never know LOL .......
Sekali TC call Khoon to explain LOL
TransCab members , pls from now , do proper accounting for those cashless payment .
Their transaction must eat panadol before and after going into their portal .
Damn headache one .
Now their system all cock up ..... better do yourself favour , dun rely on them .
They dare one to deny payments to you .
Originally posted by Poolman:They dare one to deny payments to you .
u mean tia kong again?? or frm.........
Website still down!
muz go bang dowagress table liao...
The portal i have already give up since day one...knn its like they employ some part time poly students to do up their website.
Originally posted by ericgo:The portal i have already give up since day one...knn its like they employ some part time poly students to do up their website.
yeap... the portal was done by some poly students...
Maybe TC closing soon.
Originally posted by bowah:Maybe TC closing soon.
den better quickly think of other options liao...
hmm... drive bus? drive mrt?
No, No, No.
Join BOWAhH.
join ah wah be casket driver best la...
no nid look for pax....
website back to normal since 8-Aug...
thank you jasmine...
thank you system admin...
thank you IT department...