Originally posted by udontknowme:ä½ åˆ°åº•è¦�跟多少个女人 live happily ever after huh???
including my 妈妈
gimme five mins.
i go cry T.T
pls start ur new story.
episode 1
will be back after a commercial break
stay tuned!
Originally posted by ^Acid^ aka s|aO^eH~:AEW also come over tiny teebee le??? more happening then gunnie teebee sia...
i-ish e viewer only
Originally posted by ChoCoChips:在crystal jade......
ris low and gang �了很多xiaolongbao
一直�啊�啊 eat until damn song
since the 气氛so nice
acid decide to crack a joke
“有一天有一个tau sa pao 过马路的时候 ä¸�å°�心fall down and unfortunately kena ran over by a car. it was so serious, his stuffings were all squeezed out"
"tau sa pao saw his stuffings and in his dying breath he cried"啊啊! 原�我里�是包char siew de! T.T"
dunno why ris low started laughing so hard, she choked on one �笼包
and 就酱die liao.
å› ä¸ºshe died-ed the world de zombie all died-ed with her..
in the end acid is the 救世主, not chips
ten yrs later..
becuz of his amazing feat
acid became the US president
miss tiny and chips 终于相认了
and lived happily ever after. (with fifi too, of cuz)
I know i usually very cold, give cold joke but this is a "wtf" twist sia... lolx~
part 2 of my story does not pass sgf's censorship board, so it can't be posted.
past 3 will be posted shortly.
Originally posted by udontknowme:part 2 of my story does not pass sgf's censorship board, so it can't be posted.
past 3 will be posted shortly.
I can help u mosiac the action part...
Originally posted by ChoCoChips:<过马路��心>
episode 1
will be back after a commercial break
stay tuned!
Bu yao 过马路, look at chio bu
episode 1
他, 18�, yandao, like any typical 18yrs old, 个性急�,冲动�莽,是超级超级大财团的第二代
她,21�, chio, 温柔and 冷�,是�一个超级超级大财团的第二代 [this kind of setting ��剧enuff anot?]
由于两家都knw each other, 他们从å°�é�’梅竹马, å†�åŠ ä¸Šä¸¤å®¶combine 在一起å�Žçš„financial power,
这似乎注定了他们gonna marry each other and 过�童�般的生活 [ very ��剧right?]
and just like any other ��剧
everytime they 过马路
他always 很粗心, 都�看路的
就算got a few times almost kena langgar by car, å�¯æ˜¯è¿˜æ˜¯ä¸�怕æ»
所以whenever they 过马路
the charbor å°±ä¼šä¹ æƒ¯æ€§åœ°grab his hair, 微笑地对他说
"过马路��心哦�^.^ "
and together they crossed the road, with her hand still grabbing his hair.
<to be continued>
Originally posted by ChoCoChips:<过马路��心>
episode 1
他, 18�, yandao, like any typical 18yrs old, 个性急�,冲动�莽,是超级超级大财团的第二代
她,21�, chio, 温柔and 冷�,是�一个超级超级大财团的第二代 [this kind of setting ��剧enuff anot?]
由于两家都knw each other, 他们从å°�é�’梅竹马, å†�åŠ ä¸Šä¸¤å®¶combine 在一起å�Žçš„financial power,
这似乎注定了他们gonna marry each other and 过�童�般的生活 [ very ��剧right?]
and just like any other ��剧
everytime they 过马路
他always 很粗心, 都�看路的
就算got a few times almost kena langgar by car, å�¯æ˜¯è¿˜æ˜¯ä¸�怕æ»
所以whenever they 过马路
the charbor å°±ä¼šä¹ æƒ¯æ€§åœ°grab his hair, 微笑地对他说
"过马路��心哦�^.^ "
and together they crossed the road, with her hand still grabbing his hair.
<to be continued>
请问 am i the 18 year old?
don't mind if the actor for the girl is ������
他们看电影finish 了一起回家的时候
“eh, pasar malam leh, lets go rook see rook see, i wan buy taiwan é¦™è‚ , u wan anot?" the boy asked
"mai la, wa mai, �了很肥 ^^ "
the boy then 去买香è‚
"uncle 我è¦�15æ�¡é¦™è‚ "
"wa å°�弟, eat so much å•Š? swee la hahaha" the unker happily 包theé¦™è‚ èµ·æ�¥and collected 15å�—from him, and the couple continued on their way home
the charbor ä¹ æƒ¯æ€§åœ°grab his hair, 微笑地对他说
"过马路��心哦�^.^ "
and together they crossed the road, with her hand still grabbing his hair.
"一æ�¡ï¼Œä¸¤æ�¡ï¼Œä¸‰æ�¡...“ the boy started counting the é¦™è‚ s in the bag
�然间the boy 大喊
"wtf! unker oni gimme 13æ�¡é¦™è‚ ! oi charbor u wait here for me i go back find the unker"
the girl 被�到了
"choto matte! ç‰æˆ‘一下, æˆ‘è·Ÿä½ ä¸€èµ·è¿‡é©¬è·¯" she said, while trying to grab his hair
the boy took off just as the girl managed to grab his hair, because he was too fast, the girl was left with 一撮头�on her hand.
"哇, 太å�±é™©äº†,以å�Žè¿˜æ˜¯ç¾ä»–的手å�§ " she tot to herself
就在这个时候, the boy's �毛病�犯了
he crossed without looking at the traffic
就在这时,一辆车is moving on the road at a high speed
and damn suay 车上的driver ��醉了
the driver 45å²�, 头上秃了一å�Š, 家里有三个å©å�, with a fourth one on the way.
å› ä¸ºè·Ÿè€�婆å�µæž¶äº†æ‰€ä»¥è·‘去å–�é—·é…’
"ä½ çœ‹æˆ‘ä»¬å®¶éš”å£�è€�王,是manager leh, MANAGER LEH! why u still 一个 å°�å°�çš„ supervisor? both oso 45yrs old, both oso from same uni, why u is this kind one!
å½“å¹´å› ä¸ºçœ‹ä½ æœ‰potentialæ‰�å«�ç»™ä½ çš„, 原æ�¥ä½ so useless! >=("
he recalled sadly
å°±è¿™æ ·,ä»–is drowned in alcohol and sadness 结果看ä¸�到æ£åœ¨è¿‡é©¬è·¯çš„ that boy
看到的时候已�太迟了, the driver zham the brake, hoping to stop the car before he hits the boy, but the boy 呆掉了.
he can oni watch helplessly as the car approaches him...
��that girl 冲到that boy �边,用力的把他推开.
说时迟那时快, the girl had just about enough time to push the boy away, but tats all the time she had, "BOOOM"
她被撞飞了 and landed some 50m away
"NOOOOOOOOOO!" the boy got up and ran to the girl, while holding his 13æ�¡é¦™è‚
她已�dying le, and is lying in a pool of blood.
her blood.
"ä½ ä¼šæ²¡äº‹çš„ä½ ä¼šæ²¡äº‹çš„!" the boy said as he held her in his arms
"ä½ .. ä½ çŸ¥é�“å�—? when i accidentally æ‹”äº†ä½ ä¸€æ’®å¤´å�‘的时候, æˆ‘æƒ³è¯´ä¸‹æ¬¡è¿‡é©¬è·¯è¿˜æ˜¯ç‰µä½ çš„æ‰‹æ¯”è¾ƒå¥½, but 看æ�¥, 没机会了..."
"ä½ ä¼šæ²¡äº‹çš„ä½ ä¼šæ²¡äº‹çš„! nxt time i will definitely grab ur hand before i 过马路, 所以u must survive å•Š!"
"heh, ä½ è¦�è®°å¾—å•Š, 过.. 过马路.. è¦�.. è¦�å°�心啊.." she said with her dying breath
she managed to make a ^^ expression with her face before finally dying...
<end of episode 1>
Originally posted by eeden.:请问 am i the 18 year old?
don't mind if the actor for the girl is ������
NO! >=(
���� is mine!
u wan actor for the girl u can find giga
Originally posted by ChoCoChips:有一天晚上
他们看电影finish 了一起回家的时候
“eh, pasar malam leh, lets go rook see rook see, i wan buy taiwan é¦™è‚ , u wan anot?" the boy asked
"mai la, wa mai, �了很肥 ^^ "
the boy then 去买香è‚
"uncle 我è¦�15æ�¡é¦™è‚ "
"wa å°�弟, eat so much å•Š? swee la hahaha" the unker happily 包theé¦™è‚ èµ·æ�¥and collected 15å�—from him, and the couple continued on their way home
the charbor ä¹ æƒ¯æ€§åœ°grab his hair, 微笑地对他说
"过马路��心哦�^.^ "
and together they crossed the road, with her hand still grabbing his hair.
"一æ�¡ï¼Œä¸¤æ�¡ï¼Œä¸‰æ�¡...“ the boy started counting the é¦™è‚ s in the bag
�然间the boy 大喊
"wtf! unker oni gimme 13æ�¡é¦™è‚ ! oi charbor u wait here for me i go back find the unker"
the girl 被�到了
"choto matte! ç‰æˆ‘一下, æˆ‘è·Ÿä½ ä¸€èµ·è¿‡é©¬è·¯" she said, while trying to grab his hair
the boy took off just as the girl managed to grab his hair, because he was too fast, the girl was left with 一撮头�on her hand.
"哇, 太å�±é™©äº†,以å�Žè¿˜æ˜¯ç¾ä»–的手å�§ " she tot to herself
就在这个时候, the boy's �毛病�犯了
he crossed without looking at the traffic
就在这时,一辆车is moving on the road at a high speed
and damn suay 车上的driver ��醉了
the driver 45å²�, 头上秃了一å�Š, 家里有三个å©å�, with a fourth one on the way.
å› ä¸ºè·Ÿè€�婆å�µæž¶äº†æ‰€ä»¥è·‘去å–�é—·é…’
"ä½ çœ‹æˆ‘ä»¬å®¶éš”å£�è€�王,是manager leh, MANAGER LEH! why u still 一个 å°�å°�çš„ supervisor? both oso 45yrs old, both oso from same uni, why u is this kind one!
å½“å¹´å› ä¸ºçœ‹ä½ æœ‰potentialæ‰�å«�ç»™ä½ çš„, 原æ�¥ä½ so useless! >=("
he recalled sadly
å°±è¿™æ ·,ä»–is drowned in alcohol and sadness 结果看ä¸�到æ£åœ¨è¿‡é©¬è·¯çš„ that boy
看到的时候已�太迟了, the driver zham the brake, hoping to stop the car before he hits the boy, but the boy 呆掉了.
he can oni watch helplessly as the car approaches him...
��that girl 冲到that boy �边,用力的把他推开.
说时迟那时快, the girl had just about enough time to push the boy away, but tats all the time she had, "BOOOM"
她被撞飞了 and landed some 50m away
"NOOOOOOOOOO!" the boy got up and ran to the girl, while holding his 13æ�¡é¦™è‚
她已�dying le, and is lying in a pool of blood.
her blood.
"ä½ ä¼šæ²¡äº‹çš„ä½ ä¼šæ²¡äº‹çš„!" the boy said as he held her in his arms
"ä½ .. ä½ çŸ¥é�“å�—? when i accidentally æ‹”äº†ä½ ä¸€æ’®å¤´å�‘的时候, æˆ‘æƒ³è¯´ä¸‹æ¬¡è¿‡é©¬è·¯è¿˜æ˜¯ç‰µä½ çš„æ‰‹æ¯”è¾ƒå¥½, but 看æ�¥, 没机会了..."
"ä½ ä¼šæ²¡äº‹çš„ä½ ä¼šæ²¡äº‹çš„! nxt time i will definitely grab ur hand before i 过马路, 所以u must survive å•Š!"
"heh, ä½ è¦�è®°å¾—å•Š, 过.. 过马路.. è¦�.. è¦�å°�心啊.." she said with her dying breath
she managed to make a ^^ expression with her face before finally dying...
<end of episode 1>
sibeh drama ...
female lead episode 1 die le .. then how to carry on?!
Originally posted by ä¸�如就æ»:sibeh drama ...
female lead episode 1 die le .. then how to carry on?!
drama of cuz muz drama right�
and who say she female lead?
and who say she not going to come back!!
Originally posted by ChoCoChips:NO! >=(
���� is mine!
u wan actor for the girl u can find giga
è�´è�¶å§�å§�is my 娘å�
you go to giga yourself la
Originally posted by ä¸�如就æ»:sibeh drama ...
female lead episode 1 die le .. then how to carry on?!
ok ma... u no see Garei Zero? End of 1st episode, whole cast all die... Everyone blur sia
This teebee ish more and more funny
dear: ah chips
have you ever considered changing your uni major to scriptwriting??!!
sincerely, Udon
Originally posted by udontknowme:dear: ah chips
have you ever considered changing your uni major to scriptwriting??!!
sincerely, Udon
never state the boy and the girl's name.
Originally posted by eeden.:è�´è�¶å§�å§�is my 娘å�
you go to giga yourself la
ahh she is so cute... i like her too..
grape jie jie also quite funny..
Originally posted by ^Acid^ aka s|aO^eH~:
ä½ ä¹Ÿæ˜¯åœ¨é…¸æˆ‘ï¼�
Originally posted by udontknowme:dear: ah chips
have you ever considered changing your uni major to scriptwriting??!!
sincerely, Udon
ä½ é…¸æˆ‘rightï¼�
Originally posted by eeden.:è�´è�¶å§�å§�is my 娘å�
you go to giga yourself la
tsk must tell u how many times�
mine mine mine
my 夫人ok�
dont lie
she is my �婆
Originally posted by eeden.:dont lie
she is my �婆
my wife oso can become ur wife
but if u insist
u know shes mine