Originally posted by zann:
not really 4 to 6 mths...can last as long as a yr for some...and yr hair looks smooth and silky....i think is worth it...so long u like it

yah...and lasts about a mth for some. and for those with the ultra frizzy hair types, its impossible to get totally straight iron flat hair.....its just straighter but not totally flat....
i used to think it was nice, but after the streets are filled literally with gals with the same kind og hair and i attended a dinner and everyone wore the same straight hair....i got a bit put off. now i think of it as fake and unnatural...esp the ultra straight ones...
anyway, i think rebonding damages your hair just as any other chemical treatment would.
so depending on the quality and expectation....its reallie up to individual cos rebonding do come at various prices even for the same hair length..