Love at first sight.
I believe most of us, had fall in love at first sight b4, coz all of us not young liao... Oops (*sotongs prepare to shield himself from attacks from everywhere*)
Guys would say,"I'm going to choose her."
Gals would say,"Oh please choose me."
Some people would say, love at first sight can only be short-term. To some extend it is true, but not always.
I believe most of you had come across of friends who had a relationship for about 6 months and get married and they have a happy family.
I also believe most of you had come across of friends who had a relationship for many years, but get married and end up in divorce.
The most important senses that play a part for this Love at first "sight" of coz is your eyes. Some sayings, that the eyes is link to your heart. Chinese saying, "yan jing shi ling hun 1zhi 1chuang" not 4zhi 1chuang hor...that one is at your butt.
Your eyes never lie. I believe most of you can tell whether a person likes or don't like you by looking into his, or her eyes. It is not 100% accurate, but it is a good gauge.
Guys have the most powerful tools to use over a girl, that is the mouth. Guys who can talk very well are often very popular with girls.
Ladies have the most powerful tools to use against man, that is their eyes. Ladies that have eyes that can talk, will have lots of guys around her, not necessary to be very beautiful.
Hee...better dun tok to much liao... Or else, Joylet will say I tok "c***" again...

[This message has been edited by sotongs (edited 08 May 2002).]