Modern Zen Poem
To follow the path:
look to the master,
follow the master,
walk with the master,
see through the master,
become the master.
THREE THINGS IN LIFE...................
Three things of life once gone never comes back -
Life, Love & Leaves
Three things of life must not be lost -
Virginity, Money & Health.
Three things of life that are most valuable -
Money, Wife & Friends.
Three things of life that are never sure of -
Love, Death & Luck
Three things make a man/Woman -
Truth, Hardwork & Perseverence
Three things of life that destroy a man/Woman -
Love, Hatred & Jealousy
"When you look at children, you see your past, when you look at senior citizen you are looking the future. Get on with life, don't look here look there. You can never become young again and you never sure of you can live till old age."===Sotongs Theory...
"chim right ?? LOL

Laughter prolong life but...dun laff too much or else ppl think you are "siao"
[This message has been edited by sotongs (edited 30 April 2002).]