Hi guys,
I have started work on my project called "North South Line REVAMPED".In this project, I would be working alongside joeyfjj, yellowflip999 and jerryonhere to reconstruct the North South Line by making more realistic stations. This project is not intended to copy what the North South Line team has done so far, but to complement it, so there are no ulterior motives.
The developers of the NSL team can choose to include my stations in their routes (something like an add-on) if they like it. There will be 25 stages + two exculsives in total, each stage will cover each station and the exclusives will cover the two depots, Ulu Pandan Depot and Bishan Depot respectively.
I have already started work on my first stage, Jurong East Station and the complicated crossovers. This is my first route, just trying things out, so do not expect much.
Station Progress: 2 of 9 phases.
What has already been done:
Phase 1. Completed skeleton of route
Phase 2. Completed a simple platform for the station
What needs to be done:
Phase 3. Complete minor curves
Phase 4. Complete signals
Phase 5. Complete crossovers
Phase 6. Complete HHPSD at station
Phase 7. Complete roof of station
Phase 8. Add in station objects (eg. benches, headwalls, escalators, etc.)
Phase 9. Add in surrounding objects (eg. major buildings, HDB flats, shopping malls, etc.)
What I need help in:
1. "Addvertex, Addface, Setcoordinates, Loadtextures" commands for object building
2. Photos of objects (top, four sides)
3. Crossovers
Looking for:
1. A co-developer
Version Nos:
1. Current version: Version 0.2 (follows phase, with version 1.0 being the finalised one)
Check back frequently on the forum for updates.
*Note: DEVELOPERS may request a copy of the route to check and post screenshots, as I do not know how to do so. If jerryonhere & co. do not like my idea, you may request me to stop.
Do note that the current NSL team is currently intergrating new objects into their NSL route to make it more realistic. Thread locked.
Sorry, but I don't understand about this. Do explain futher by PM'ing me. Thanks. (I am the original dev for NSL)
@FSJZ: Please contact me/us regarding this. I guess we could use your help...