Its day 3 of oral exams today. So i am having mine today. Haven always like oral, hated it at times. Though i wasnt too bad at it. Just didt like the 10mins of time whereby i got to be a ethical hypocrite LOL!
So more then half of my class had already taken it. And apparently the past two conferencing topics seems to be uber boring. The first day one was on improving working relationship ship between employees and workers. Second day one was on what you think of tourism of sg. Very combine humanitish topic.
If those question were to fell on me i would be like. "Err ... just throw dozens of mattress on a soccer field and let the employees and workers have orgy? Err ... hmm okay mayb that will help. Mayb" "Tourism hmm, well some of the blondes that come to sg are quite cute. Hmm ... not forgetting japanese. Like err Sora Aoi." So yeah, from previous evidence, was feeling skeptical about this oral exam thing.
And when i sat down having my oral today. Passage was simple and short. Picture was average. A bit boring actually. And i thought that things cant get any better already. But the topic was totally unexpected, in the good way. When the examiners said it, its like having gold bars flowing out from her mouth.
Question was "Do you think playing computer games is a waste of time?"
Before i started saying the lorries and trunks of crap. I know i will totally totally totally nail and ace the topic. I have seen countless flame wars on topics like these in the forums. I cant believe that the topic is happening in my oral exam. Its like a dream!
I rmbed when the oral examinor told me the topic i was like "LIFE IS SO FUCKING GOOD" in my heart, duh. Well the second question was on some kind of ghey family relationship thing. Wasnt too bad, after the first topic my hypocrisy power was on level 100 today, with infinite mana and skill saliva boost on level 100. The oral exam is just too good for me to believe. YAY! GG!
Copied all from my blog. Share your oral experiences. ORAL EXAM. NOT ORAL!
my chi oral was boring. took it last year
i remember the conversation topic. What programmes can be added to attract more people to the library?
was really crap man.came out with some crap like getting more new books. interactive reading. storytellers for the little kids.
Originally posted by Aaron8209:
Lol had mine last yr too......Guess the main thing is..speak fluently and dont liek stammer or have any awkward breaks in btw your words
My experience in forum will definitely help me in the conversation part. However for the picture and the text..
i had my chinese tcher ask...whats ur difficulties in your life?...and how u cope with it...