hiya.. juz tryin my luk out here to c if u'll drop by sgforum

u boarded the bus 170 on 28th oct 2006, ard 5.45pm at a bstop near Sixth Ave.. i didnt notice u til i was abt to alight the bstop at newton. i was the tall guy wearin black stussy tee, standin @ the door listenin to ipod nano, near the seat u'r seated. u were havin short hair, ht between 155 ~ 165, wearin black tee too, if i didnt rem wrgly the design on ur tee is silver in color.. hehe.. our eyes met, n i look into ur eyes. u looked into my eyes for a moment, den turned away. when i alighted the bus, i can see u tint ur head n secretly looked at mi. frm ur body language n eyes, i can feel dat u'r interested in mi too. n i like ur eyes ^_^
after meetin my fren at newton ctrl station to collect sumtink frm him, i immediately took a cab to bus 170 interchange, thought dat u might alight ther as the interchange is near bugis. other places hab a lower possibility dat u will alight. sad to say, after i reach ther n roam bugis for a while, i fail to find u anymore

hehe.. hope can find u in here, perhaps we realli fated to b long term couple in tis lifetime.